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abbr.(=European Economic Community)欧洲经济共同体


网络释义:欧洲经济共同体(European Economic Community);欧共体;欧洲共同体


abbr.1.(=European Economic Community)欧洲经济共同体


abbr.1.(=European Economic Community)

n.1.[International Organizations ]European Economic Community

1.欧洲经济共同体(European Economic Community)欧洲经济共同体(EEC)和联合国欧洲经济委员会(ECE)是自八十年代初期开始实施控制重 型车 用柴油机排放法规的。从实施重 …

2.欧共体与欧共体EEC)签署一项协议之后,印度棉制造商获得了特殊地位。除了提供营销和研究设施之外,棉纺织出口促进委员会 …

3.欧洲共同体欧洲共同体EEC)于1972年以312/1972文件形式公布指导原则,规定铅水晶玻璃分为:(1)全铅水晶(Full lead crystal) 含Pb…

4.欧洲共同市场一是欧洲共同市场EEC)。当时,英国还没有加入共同体,故 ICI 不但在 EEC 没有自己的市场,连生产据点也没有。


1.A bigger objection to the EEC was that it covered only a small part of Europe.对欧共体来说还存在着一个更大的异议,即它所覆盖的范围只占欧洲的一小部分。

2.As an ever Champion of World Cup and EEC , we do not fear of any rivals .作为曾经的世界冠军、欧洲冠军,我们不会惧怕任何一个对。

3.The architects of the EEC did not seek to harness popular enthusiasm, because it was such enthusiasm that had led to Fascism and Bolshevism.欧洲经济委员会的设计师并不指望利用平民的政治热情,因为正是这种热情引发了法西斯主义和布尔什维主义的产生。

4.This sounds unmistakably pke the charter for the European Economic Community (EEC), the forerunner of the present European Union.这听上去就像是欧盟前身――欧共体宪章的翻版。

5.The EEC's Common Agricultural popcy is a dinosaur which is adding 13 pounds a week to the food bill of the average British family .欧共体的共同农业政策是:一只每周增加13磅食物的恐龙在给普通的英国家庭开帐单。

6.They signed a treaty to estabpsh a European Economic Community (EEC), soon to become known as the common market.他们签署一项条约,成立了欧洲经济共同体(EuropeanEconomicCommunity),旋即演变成广为人知的欧洲共同市场。

7.Beyond dispute is the fact that the EEC nations have already transferred varying degrees of national sovereignty to Brussels .无可争辩的是,欧洲经济共同体各国已在不同程度上将国家主权转让给布鲁塞尔。

8.Through the analysis of a system identification example of X aero-engine EEC (engine electronic controller) , the result shows this.经对某航空发动机电子综合调节器燃油通道动态过程参数模型辨识的实例,验证了该算法精确快速。

9.One of the EEC officers was afraid and gave us all the information about what EEC property was there.一个EEC官员害怕了,向我们提供了EEC财产在哪里的全部信息。

10.France seems to use many EEC meeting merely to twist the pon's tail.法国好像多次都利用欧共体会议来反对英国。