




1.金融危机 MSE 级别划分和适用范围 04-18 The Financial Crisis 金融危机 04-11 PETS 写作——帮助你轻松过关 …

2.金融危机又称金融风暴 ... financial crisis 金融危机 The financial crisis 金融危机 ; 金融风暴 ; 金融危机又称金融风暴 ; 经济危机 ...

4.让人闻之色变的经济界飓风 Topic 01 The Tom Sawyer Effect 令人啼笑皆非的汤姆索亚效应 Topic 02 The Financial Crisis 让人闻之色变的经济界飓风 ...

5.东亚和东南亚的金融危机 a financial crisis1. 财政危机 the financial crisis1. 东亚和东南亚的金融危机 asian financial crisis1. 亚洲金融危机 ...


1.Over the past six months, many enterprises fell down in the financial crisis, especially some of the famous companies.过去的一年中,许多企业,尤其是一些久负盛名的巨头,倒在了金融危机中。

2.In terms of impact, the financial crisis has behaved, roughly, pke the economic equivalent of a drive-by shooting.就影响来看,金融危机的表现形式大体上仿佛是一场经济上的驾车枪击事件。

3.It is turning out to be a very slow recovery for the financial instruments at the heart of the financial crisis.作为身处金融危机漩涡中心的主角,金融工具的复苏步伐仍很缓慢。

4.Like the financial crisis, it emerged at a time of radically increased interdependence.与金融危机一样,它也是在相互依存关系大大加强的环境下出现的。

5.He said the financial crisis is a direct consequence of European governments to cut the defense budget.他说,金融危机一个直接后果是欧洲各国政府削减了国防预算。

6.The financial crisis slowed this demand growth for a year or so, but it has since regained momentum, especially in Asia.金融危机对需求增长起到了一定抑制作用,但是需求增长已经开始复苏,中国尤其如此。

7.The financial crisis has made it more acceptable to be between jobs or to leave a bad one.金融危机已经使得跳槽,离开一个不好的工作变得更加可以接受了。

8.He said the financial crisis was high on all their agendas.他说,金融危机是所有议程中的当务之急。

9.The dark cloud of the financial crisis will disperse. Let us work together for a more splendid future.国际金融危机的阴霾终将散去,让我们配合开创更加辉煌灿烂的美好明天!

10.Since the financial crisis over a year and a half ago, many more people than usual have started paying attention to the economy.自一年之前的金融危机以来,比往常多得多的人们开始关心经济。