



美式发音: [mɪlk] 英式发音: [mɪlk]




第三人称单数:milks  现在分词:milking  过去式:milked  搭配同义词

v.+n.drink milk,buy milk,sell milk,give milk,get milk

adj.+n.raw milk,milk powder,chocolate milk,plastic milk

v.exploit,drain,make the most of,bleed,tap



1.挤奶the process of taking milk from a cow, etc.

milking machines/sheds挤奶机;挤奶棚


v.1.挤...的奶;挤(奶)2.抽取(树液);拔(蛇毒等的)毒3.〈俚〉套出消息;(自电线)偷听(电报电话)4.出奶,挤奶5.(天气)变阴 (up)1.挤...的奶;挤(奶)2.抽取(树液);拔(蛇毒等的)毒3.〈俚〉套出消息;(自电线)偷听(电报电话)4.出奶,挤奶5.(天气)变阴 (up)

n.1.a white pquid that comes from cows, goats, and sheep, which people drink and use in cooking. Cheese and other foods made from milk are called dairy products; a white pquid that women and female animals produce in their bodies to feed their babies or young animals2.a white pquid that some plants such as the coconut produce

v.1.to take milk from a cow, goat, or sheep2.to get a lot of personal advantage or benefit from something, especially in a dishonest way

1.挤奶 Midget 侏儒 Milking 挤奶 Miscellaneous 杂项(难以分类) ...

2.挤乳 milk yielding animal 奶畜 milking 挤乳 milking capacity 泌乳能力 ...

3.挤取 milker 子体同位素发生器 milking 挤取 milky glass 乳白坡璃 ...

4.倒奶 一段时间一次 session 一次的挤奶量 milking 一次用量的针剂 ampoule ...

6.挤牛奶每天的工作主要是早、晚各一次的替乳牛挤牛奶 (milking), 以及喂鸡鸭及在牠们的巢取蛋。我在Stu的木屋喝了杯茶、和他聊一 …


1.Brands which sold "bpngy" easy-to-sell products, milking old names, he says, will fare particularly badly in the new environment.他还称,那些很容易便能卖出的老品牌产品在新环境下举步维艰。

2.The farmer: I tied its left leg to the pole and went on milking, after I finished another bucket, it kicked that over with its right leg.农夫:我用绳子把她左腿绑在了柱子上接着挤,结果刚好一桶接满,她又用右腿把桶踢翻了。

3.If you want to squeeze money out of him, you are just milking the ram.假如你想从他身上榨出钱来,你注定要失败。

4.You could spend a day looking at a flower to see how wonderful it is, and that wouldn't get the milking done.你可以用一天的时间看着一朵花,欣赏它是现在多么的漂亮,而这逝去的年华却不会回来。

5.when the evening milking was done she did not care to be with the rest of them , and went out of doors wandering along she knew not whither.傍晚的牛奶挤完以后,她不愿意和其他的人呆在一起,就走出门外,独自闲走着,就是连自己也不知道走到哪儿去。

6.He had allowed her to free herself; and in a minute or two the milking of each was resumed.他让她从他的搂抱中挣脱出去;没有一会儿,各人又都开始挤奶了。

7.Each morning Peter and I connected the tubes to the buckets, wheeled them over to the milking shed, and herded the goats into a waiting pen.每天早晨,皮特和我把管子连接到桶子上,推到挤奶棚,把山羊赶进一个等候圈。

8.Most dairymen are usually bad-tempered at milking time, but Mr Crick was glad to get a new dairymaid at this busy time of the year.大多数挤奶工在挤奶时都脾气暴躁,但克里克先生很高兴在一年中的繁忙季节里迎来了一个新的挤奶女工。

9.He would be milking a bull if he tried to settle the problem that way .他若想那样解决问题,无异缘木求鱼。

10.And, in the United States, teats must be disinfected with iodine or other chemical disinfected disinfectant before milking.并且在美国,挤奶前奶头要用碘或者其它化学消毒剂消毒。