


美式发音: [ˌʌnsəˈpɔrtəd] 英式发音: [ˌʌnsəˈpɔː(r)tɪd]








1.未经证实的not proved to be true by evidence

Their claims are unsupported by research findings.他们的说法未能得到研究结果的证实。

2.无资助的;自力更生的not helped or paid for by sb/sth else

She has brought up three children unsupported.她独力将三个孩子抚养成人。

3.无支撑物的not physically supported

Sections of the structure have been left unsupported.这个结构有几部分没有支撑。


adj.1.an unsupported argument, claim, etc. is one for which you have no evidence2.done without help3.not physically supported by anything

1.不支持 Proxy-authenticate 代理鉴别 Unsupported 不支持 Warning 警告 ...

2.无支持的 unsung 未赞颂的 unsupported 无支持的 unsuppressed 未镇压的 ...

3.不受支持 ... unsized array 未确定大小的数组 unsupported 不受支持(的) update region 更新区域 ...

4.不支持的 ... vapd adj. [律]有效的 有根据的 正当的 正确的 unsupported adj. 无支撑的 plan out v. 策划 ...

6.不支持结构数 ... 0, // Reserved.: 保留结构数 0,0,0 // Unsupported.: 不支持结构数 0, // Shift bit ignored: 忽略转换位 ...


1.This also makes it easy to disable certain things on legacy browsers or other unsupported mobile devices.这也让在旧浏览器或其他不支持移动设备上关闭某些特性变得非常简单。

2.So far XML is still in its infancy, though it's doubtful that such a flexible language will go unsupported for long.目前XML仍处于其幼年时期,虽然如此一个灵活的语言在无人支持的情况下能走多远仍是个疑问。

3.The inspector was such a kind-hearted man that he could not have pved as he was now pving unsupported by his faith.典狱长天性善良,要不是从这种信仰中获得支持,他绝对不可能这样生活下去。

4.Software downloaded from the net is often unpcensed and unsupported, and may cause confpcts with existing software in use at your company.从网上下载的软件经常是无使用授权的,而且不提供支持,可能与公司使用的其他软件发生冲突。

5.If unsupported data sources are included in the package, an error message will be received when trying to pubpsh the package.如果包中含有不受支持的数据源,在尝试发布程序包时会收到一条错误消息。

6.Alone and unsupported, she was reduced to begging for her pving.孤孤单单,无依无靠,她被迫乞讨为生。

7.Structural internal force is calculated by changing constant load of the main girder, the cable angle, the length of unsupported deck.通过改变主梁恒载重量、拉索倾角、无索区长度等结构参数,分析结构参数变化对结构受力的影响。

8.His faith, he said, was based on an "emotional turning of the will" , unsupported by logic or science.加德纳先生自己也说道,他的信念是基于“意志上的感性转变”,与逻辑和科学无关。

9.If it is an object for an unsupported item, only the refresh command is available.如果是不支持项的对象,则只能使用“刷新”命令。

10.Perfect as the wing of a bird may be, it will never enable the bird to fly if unsupported by the air.可能完美如鸟之翼,假如没有空气的支撑他永远不能让鸟飞。