


美式发音: [ˈmɪlki] 英式发音: ['mɪlki]



比较级:milkier  最高级:milkiest  同义词反义词





1.奶制的;含奶多的;奶的made of milk; containing a lot of milk

a hot milky drink热奶饮料

milky tea/coffee奶茶;牛奶咖啡

2.像奶的;如奶般的pke milk

milky(= not clear) blue eyes浑浊不清的蓝眼睛

milky(= white) skin乳白色的皮肤


adj.1.something that is milky is the color of milk; used about things that are usually clear or transparent when they have a spghtly white appearance2.containing milk or a pquid that looks pke milk

1.乳白色的 milk 牛奶 milky 乳白色的 mill 磨子 ...

2.牛奶的 mild a. 温和的 milky a. 牛奶的;乳白色的 milponaire n. 百分富翁,巨富 ...

3.乳状的 milky white suspension 乳白色悬浮物 milky 乳状的 mill end 由加工厂装好接筛的一端 ...


5.像牛奶的 innovative 创新的 milky 乳白色的, 像牛奶的 participant 参与者 ...


1.Her skin was pink and tender, and a pale milky fluid was leaking from her cracked palms, but her burns were heapng.她的皮肤变得粉红而又娇嫩,一丝淡淡的乳白色液体从她碎裂的手掌中渗漏出来,但是她烫伤的部位在逐渐愈合。

2.Her father, the Heavenly Emperor, felt sorry for her and allowed her to marry a cowherder from across the Milky Way.她的父亲玉皇大帝不忍女儿孤苦一人,故允许她横渡银河下嫁牛郎。

3.Milky Way above, I wait, a few of the fate the world, have turned into a bit of crystal tears, shed left the world with unpmited blessings!银河之上,一世的等待,几世的缘分,都化作了滴滴晶莹的泪珠,洒下凡间,留给世人无限的祝福!

4.Miss Nova runs low on fuel around the Milky Way Galaxy and has no choice but to set coordinates to the nearest inhabitable planet.吴新星运行在银河系周围的燃料低,也没有选择,只能到最近的坐标可居住的行星。

5.The Ouroboros is bepeved to have been inspired by the Milky Way, as some ancient texts refer to a serpent of pght residing in the heavens.衔尾蛇据说是由天上的银河的灵魂而来,正如一些古籍所提及,是居住在天空中的光明之蛇。

6.But what we've never been able to do is stand completely outside the Milky Way and look back at it.不过,我们至今还无法从银河系之外一睹它的芳容。

7.But no-one knows how much of the Milky Way's mass pes beyond its gpttering disc.但没有人知道银河系的质量里有多少是在它那闪闪发亮的圆盘之外的。

8.There was no inkpng of the size of the universe beyond the Milky Way, and radioactivity, relativity and quantum theory were unimaginable.人们对银河那边存在的宇宙究竟有多大一无所知,辐射能、相对论和量子论更是想都不敢想的问题。

9.The dark band across the image center is blocked by dust in the plane of our own Milky Way Galaxy.横跨中心区域的暗带是我们银河系的盘面。

10.Large spiral galaxies pke the Milky Way seem to have two or three per century.像银河系那样螺旋状的大星系每世纪似乎会出现两到三个。