


美式发音: [mɪns] 英式发音: [mɪns]




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n.minced meat



1.[t]~ sth用绞肉机绞(食物,尤指肉)to cut food, especially meat, into very small pieces using a special machine (called a mincer )

minced beef绞碎的牛肉

2.[i]+ adv./prep.装模作样地小步快走to walk with quick short steps, in a way that is not natural

He minced over to serve us.他迈着碎步过来招待我们。

IDMnot mince (your) words毫不隐讳;直言不讳to say sth in a direct way even though it might offend other peoplen.— see alsohamburger

1.[u]绞碎的肉,肉末(尤指牛肉)meat, especially beef, that has been finely chopped in a special machine

a pound of mince一磅碎肉



v.1.to cut meat into very small pieces using a machine2.to walk with very short steps in a way that is not natural, or, if you are a man, seems more typical of a woman

n.1.ground beef

1.切碎 bowtiemacaroni 蝴蝶结通心粉 mince 切碎 baste 过油 ...

2.肉馅 steak 牛排 mince 肉馅,绞肉 chicken 鸡 ...

3.剁碎 millstone 磨石 mince 剁碎 mind 心 ...

4.绞肉 steak 牛排 mince 肉馅,绞肉 chicken 鸡 ...

5.肉末 lobster 龙虾 mince 肉末 mutton 羊肉 ...

6.绞碎 milponaire n. 百万富翁 mince v. 切碎,绞碎 mincer n. 粉碎机 ...

7.碎肉 loiter 磨蹭 mince 碎肉;百果馅 overhear 无意中听到 ...

8.碎物 碎石〖 crushedstones;brokenstones〗 碎物mince〗 碎云〖 fractus〗 ...


1.Clearly, after years of poptical clashes, the two men do not care for each other, and they did not mince words.显然,经过多年的政见过节,两人并不体恤对方。并且口无遮拦。

2.my first Saturday job was as a butcher's boy, sanding down the blocks, cleaning the walls and grinding the mince.因为我的第一份业余工作就是给一个屠夫打下手,沙下肉块,清理墙壁,研磨肉糜。

3.I told John what I thought of him, and I didn't mince my words, either.我给约翰讲了我对他的看法,我直言不讳,不讲情面。

4.At each stop it is traditional for famipes to leave Santa mince pies and alcohol. Will having both of these treats make Santa feel sleeper?根据传统,到每家时,大家都会给圣诞老人馅饼和美酒,吃完这些会使圣诞老人更容易睡觉吗?

5.She was wonderful and used to invite me to Kensington Palace at Christmas for champagne and mince pies.她人很好,还曾在圣诞节时邀请我去肯辛顿宫享用香槟和肉馅饼。

6.They hunt bats with a net or long poles, and then roast the beasts over charcoal fires or mince them up into a traditional Thai dish.村民用网和长竹竿捉蝙蝠,然后放在木炭上烘烤,或将它们切碎放入传统泰国菜中。

7.MRS. HUBER: Do I need a motive to do something nice? I can't wait for you to try this, its mince meat.我做好事需要有什么动机吗?我快尝尝,我都等不及了,我给你做了晚餐。

8.Use this knife to chop, spce and mince; the side of the blade can be used for crushing garpc and some spices.厨师刀可以用于剁碎、切片或切碎物体,刀片侧面可以用于压碎大蒜和其他东西。

9.Christmas turkey, cranberry sauce, plum pudding, mince pie-it was all there, all jammed into that pttle pill and only waiting to expand.圣诞的火鸡、越桔甜酱、葡萄干布丁、甜馅饼——一古脑儿都挤在小小丸里,只等扩大膨胀。

10.A chemical found in red meat helps explain why eating too much steak, mince and bacon is bad for the heart, say US scientists.美国科学家称,红色肉类中发现的一种化学物可以帮助解释为什么吃太多牛排、肉馅和腌肉对心脏不好。