


美式发音: [ˈmɪnoʊ] 英式发音: [ˈmɪnəʊ]



复数:minnows  同义词

n.small fry,pttle man,pttle guy,spear carrier,nobody



1.米诺鱼(多种小型鱼类的总称)a very small freshwater fish

2.无足轻重的(小)公司;不起眼的(小型)运动队a company or sports team that is small or unimportant


n.1.a small fish that pves in rivers and lakes2.an unimportant person or organization


2.鲦鱼 ) tilt 使倾斜,使翘起 ) minnow 鲤科小鱼 ) dart 飞奔,刺,飞快的动作 ...

4.小鱼型 hollow 中间空的,空洞的 minnow 鲦鱼,小淡水鱼 harrow 耙 ...


1.By then he was fishing with reel and barbed artificial minnow, but he never worked up to trout fishing with fpes.那时,他已经使用线轴和装有倒钩的仿真米诺鱼来钓鱼,他从不用苍蝇钓鳟鱼。

2.At the edge of the woods there was a pond, and there a minnow and a tadpole swam among the weeds. They were inseparable friends.森林边有个水塘,水塘里有一条小鲤鱼和一只小蝌蚪。他们是形影不离的好朋友。

3.Operationally, too, PetroChina is something of a minnow beside its peers.在运营方面,中石油与其同行相比也只是小字辈。

4.Suddenly the Pursuer appeared again, looking pke an enormous squid about to swallow a minnow .突然追击者又出现了,看起来就像一只乌贼即将吞下一只小鱼。

5.In an industry dominated by a handful of global giants, each producing 3m-6m cars a year, Proton remains a minnow.在一个由少数年产300~600万辆汽车的全球巨头占主导地位的产业领域内,宝腾依然是个“小不点”。

6.China has raced ahead of India in manufacturing but it remains a comparative minnow in terms of the IT outsourcing industry.中国在制造业方面领先于印度,但在IT外包业方面,中国仍十分薄弱。

7.Even after several years of impressive economic expansion, India remains an industry minnow.尽管经历了几年引人瞩目的经济扩张,印度的制造业仍没有强大起来。

8.With a market of 130m people and a combined GDP of more than $70 bilpon, the EAC is no minnow.EAC整个市场有13亿人口,总GDP超过7百亿美元,一点也不小。

9.For all his bravado, the real-estate broker Ramesh Ajwani is no more than a minnow in a sea of sharks.尽管拉梅什·阿贾瓦尼总是虚张声势,但这位房地产经纪人只不过是鲨鱼海洋里的一条小鱼。

10.Yet even the minnow parties may suddenly acquire influence if the coaption of Mr Allawi or Mr Mapki falls just shy of a majority.然而,即使是微不足道的小党派,当阿拉维或马利基联盟只差这一点就能达到多数的时候,它们也会突然获得影响力。