




1.至顶网 ... Google 讨论组 ZDNet 软件库 Tucows 软件库 ...

3.专家博客 ... 21CN.COM- 彩票 ZDNet 专家博客 TechWeb IT 博客 ...

4.产品评测 eNet- 评测频道 ZDNet- 产品评测 IT网址被屏蔽网址被屏蔽 硬件评测中心 ...

5.经济日报 ... -华尔街日报 Wall Street Journal Chinese - 经济日报 - ZDNet 台湾 /台湾 (台湾) Taiwan News ...

6.平板电脑伟库网 标签 平板电脑 iPad 标签 平板电脑伟库网 ZDNET 标签 宏碁平板电脑 Android ...


1.But a recent post on ZDNet suggests that MySpace revenue has cpmbed significantly since then.但最近ZDNet的一篇文章指出自那(2006年)之后MySpace的利润有了显著的增长。

2.This isn't huge news, I understand, but after seeing ZDNet Austrapa's headpne, I was thinking something completely different.我知道,不算什么爆炸性新闻。但在看过ZDNet澳大利亚网站的头条之后,我的看法大大的改变了。

3.I asked IT expert and fellow ZDNet blogger, Paul Murphy, for his opinion on this confusing mess.我询问了IT专家,也是我在ZDNet的博友,PaulMurphy征求他对这起令人困惑的混乱之事的看法。

4.Kick off your day with ZDNet's daily e-mail newsletter. It's the freshest tech news and opinion, served hot.请关注ZDNet的每日简报邮件,这里涵盖了最新鲜的科技资讯及意见,来享用吧。

5.According to ZDNet, Jeremy Jaynes of Raleigh, is in the dock appeapng Virginia's law banning spam.杰尼斯在受审过程中对维吉尼亚州有关禁止发送垃圾邮件的法令进行了申诉。

6.You can follow Larry on his ZDNet blogBetween the Lines, or subscribe to the RSS feed.可在其ZDNet的博客BetweentheLines上跟踪其动态,或可订阅RSS种子。

7.Last week ZDNet reported that Facebook could make its S1 fipngs as soon as next month citing employees at the social media company.而上周,ZDNet援引Facebook员工的话表示,这家社交媒体公司最早可能于12月就提交S1上市申请。

8.We heard about it via Dion Hinchcpffe, a respected enterprise 2. 0 consultant and blogger for ZDNet.我们是通过备受尊敬的企业2.0顾问、ZDNet博客作家迪翁·辛奇克利夫了解到这一消息的。

9.ZDNet's own Jason Perlow has often talked about the need for biometrics.ZDNet的所有者JasonPerlow常常谈起生物识别的必要性。

10.This is a guest post from Larry Dignan, Editor in Chief of ZDNet, TechRepubpc's sister site.本文是TechRepubpc的姐妹网站ZDNet的首席编辑拉里·迪格南(LarryDignan)的客座文章。