


美式发音: [ˈmɪnstər] 英式发音: [ˈmɪnstə(r)]






1.大教堂a large or important church

York Minster约克大教堂


n.1.a large and important church

1.大教堂教(Walter Gray)的努力下诺曼教堂成为了大教堂Minster),从那时起又开始了对教堂的扩建工程,扩建工程一直持续了2…

2.敏斯特 thee pron. <古> minster n. 修道院附属的教堂, 大教堂 shovel n. 铲, 铁铲v.铲 ...

4.约克有名的大教堂部件、冲压模板等,服务对象主要有台湾念初冲床、美国明斯特冲床MINSTER)、泰易达冲床、澳玛特冲床、米斯克高精 …

6.明斯特公司~1100次/ min的压力机已普遍应用,如美国 明斯特公司Minster)、瑞士博瑞达公司(Bruderer)已有2000次/min的 高速压力 …

7.明斯恃例如,行程次数 500 次/min 左右的高速压力机已普遍应用,美国明斯恃(Minster) 公司已生产 250kN2000 次/min 的超高速压 …


1.Perhaps if he prayed, the wish to see Christ Minster might be forwarded.也许他祷告一番,就可以帮助他实现他想看见基督寺的愿望。

2.Minster are trying to put together a package deal that will end the dispute.部长们正在力图寻求能解决争端的一揽子交易。

3.This hotel is set in a park close to the banks of the Danube river with a magnificent view over Ulm's Old Town and the famous minster.这家酒店坐落在一个公园内,靠近多瑙河河岸,享有Ulm老城区和著名大教堂的壮丽美景。

4.He looked at me and said, 'Mr. Minster, let's change the subject. '他看着我说,‘部长先生,我们换个话题吧。’

5.Separately, French Finance Minster Christine Lagarde is continuing her campaign to become the next head of the IMF.另外,法国财政部长克里斯蒂娜·拉加德(ChristineLagarde)仍在进行谋求成为下任国际货币基金组织主席的竞选活动。

6.The British Prime Minster Gordon Brown has warned a Joint Session of the US Congress that an economic hurricane is sweeping the world.英国首相戈登-布朗提醒美国国会两院联席会议,称经济危机正在席卷全球。

7.British Deputy Prime Minster John Prescott sent a congratulatory letter to the company.英国副首相约翰普雷斯科特向该公司致函表示祝贺。

8.Iranian Foreign Minster says the one woman among the group could be released later Wednesday or Thursday.伊朗外长说,这15人当中唯一的女性星期三晚些时候或是星期四就会获得释放。

9.The results were met with skepticism from supporters of the main challenger, former Prime Minster Mir Hossein Moussavi.结果受到了其主要竞争对手-前总理侯赛因穆萨维的支持者的质疑。

10.Submitting reports including results of studies and remedial proposals to the Prime Minster, Ministers and State Officials.提交报告,汇报研究结果并向总理、各部长及国家官员建议补救措施。