


美式发音: [ˈɡudə] 英式发音: [ˈɡaʊdə]





1.豪达奶酪(荷兰奶酪,外涂黄色石蜡)a type of Dutch cheese that is covered with yellow wax


n.1.a type of hard yellow cheese with a fairly strong flavor that is made in the Netherlands


2.高达高达Gouda)是荷兰的一个小城镇,确切的说,这里不是Gouda奶酪的产地,而是Gouda奶酪的销售集散地。每到举办奶酪 …

3.黄波奶酪荷兰奶酪最具代表性、最有名的,就是如同车轮般大小的黄波奶酪Gouda),黄波奶酪占荷兰总奶酪产量的50% 以上,它外表 …

4.高达奶酪关于高达奶酪Gouda)还有什么可说的呢……就像你对切达(Cheddar)和莫扎里拉(Mozzarella)无话可说一样,它们太有 …


6.高达乳酪高达乳酪Gouda)、帕达及安诺乳酪(Parmigiano Reggiano)以及其他传统的陈年乳酪需要两年或更长的时间熟成。乳酪大 …


1.The next day begins with a typical hearty Dutch breakfast, a quick tour of Gouda's town square and an obpgatory visit to a cheese shop.第二天我们先来了一顿丰盛的典型荷兰式早餐,然后快速地参观豪达镇的镇广场,再到了一家必去的奶酪店参观。

2.As the sun begins to set on some of the most spectacular scenery of the whole trip, we race to reach Gouda before nightfall.看着整个旅途中最壮观的景色,渐已是夕阳余晖时了,我们赶着要在天黑之前到达豪达镇。

3.Located in Dutch Henry power lattice cheese farms have free visit try activities, where you can enjoy authentic Dutch classic gouda.位于荷兰的亨利•威力格奶酪农场也有免费的参观试吃活动,在那里你能品尝到正宗的荷兰高达干酪。

4.All Peppes pizzas are made with our original pizza sauce and our own blended cheeses (Mozzarella and classic Gouda).所有的派乐仕匹萨都是用我们独家的匹萨酱和混合干酪(莫扎里拉干酪,高达干酪)。

5.GMF- Gouda is suppper of the paddle dryer, the perfect machine to dry (municipal) sludge.吉美福高达,为您提供市政污泥处理的完美设备-桨叶式干燥机。

6.Gouda is the center of the Dutch candle-making industry.高德是荷兰蜡烛制造业的中心。

7.He seized this opportunity to make Dutch Gouda and now his firm, Yellow Valley, has annual sales of more than $152, 000.他抓住这一机会,制作了荷兰高达奶酪。现在他的公司——黄河谷,每年销售额超过15.2万美元。

8.And then, I opened my magic make-up box and gouda lot of things inside.于是,我便打开我的魔法化妆盒,发现里头道具还真不少!

9.Cheese It is better to eat such kind of cheese as Swiss, cheddar, or Gouda .奶酪最好是吃这类奶酪,如:瑞士奶酪,切达干酪,或高达干酪。

10.It is better to eat such kind of cheese as Swiss, cheddar, or Gouda.最好是吃这样的奶酪如瑞士奶酪,干酪,或豪达。