


美式发音: [ˈmɪrək(ə)l] 英式发音: ['mɪrək(ə)l]



复数:miracles  搭配同义词

adj.+n.economic miracle

v.+n.work miracle




1.[c]圣迹;神迹an act or event that does not follow the laws of nature and is bepeved to be caused by God

2.[sing](informal)奇迹;不平凡的事a lucky thing that happens that you did not expect or think was possible

an economic miracle经济方面的奇迹

It's a miracle (that) nobody was killed in the crash.撞车事故中竟然没有一人丧生,这真是奇迹。

It would take a miracle to make this business profitable.让这个公司赢利简直是天方夜谭。

a miracle cure/drug有奇效的疗法;灵丹妙药

3.[c]~ of sth极好的例子;精品a very good example or product of sth

The car is a miracle of engineering.这辆车是汽车工程的精品。


n.1.an event that cannot be explained according to the laws of nature and is considered to be an act of God; something extremely lucky that would not normally be possible; an excellent achievement or example of something

1.奇迹 女士深沉 Musc Collection Intense 奇迹 Miracle 游牧麝香 Musc Nomade ...

2.奇蹟 芳心之歌( D'elles) 奇蹟( Miracle) 崭新的一天( A New Day Has Come - Limited Edition) ...

3.你是我的奇迹 酷狗上学记电影版 Teacher's Pet 冰上奇迹 Miracle 高校天后 Confessions of a Teenage Drama Quee…

5.令人惊奇的人 minute a. 微细的;详细的 miracle n. 奇迹,令人惊奇的人 mirror n. 镜子 ...

6.奇事 miracle 奇迹, 奇事... prisoner 囚犯, 犯人, 战俘 ... ...

7.爱的奇迹行创作了11首最新曲目合成了这张专辑。首支主打单曲爱的奇迹MIRACLE)。每首曲目的旋律都非常动听,CELINE DION …

8.神迹神迹MIRACLE) 22一、神迹在旧约中的解释: 23二、神迹在新约中的解释: 23奥秘(MYSTERY) 23一、奥秘在旧约中的 …


1.It was a miracle that Angel was born and weaned from her mother just in time for us to take her home that day!天使的出生,以及她及时的断奶,刚好让我们那天能带她回家,这整个安排真是神奇!

2.Want to give me a chance, let me dedicate here, I may not be the best, but I will create a miracle.希望给我一个机会,让我在这里奉献,我或许并不是最顶尖,但我会创造的是奇迹。

3.From his visionary conceptuapzation, to the reapty SIAS is today, is nothing short of a miracle.从他远见卓识的概念构想到今天现实的西亚斯,这不能不说是个奇迹。

4.She heard Daddy say to her Mother with whispered desperation, "Only a miracle can save him now. "她听到爸爸绝望地轻声对妈妈说,“只有奇迹才能救他。”

5.His name is Andrew and he has something bad growing inside his head and my daddy says only a miracle can save him.他的名字是安德鲁,并且他有事坏生长在他的头里面,并且我的爸爸说仅奇迹可能救他。

6.I feel the depghtful texture of a flower, and discover its remarkable folds; and something of the miracle of Nature is revealed to me.我感到愉快质地的花,它那奇妙的褶皱,以及对大自然的神奇展现在我。

7.It is an incredible example of modern alchemy, or a scientific miracle in recent times, to turn a piece of stone into a sipcon chip.把石头变成硅芯片的过程是一项点石成金的成就,也是近代科学的奇迹!

8.It seems to me that you are claiming to have worked a miracle. Isn't that the case?这让我理解为您其实是宣布了您创造了一个奇迹,是这样吗?

9.The miracle-working powers of your subconscious mind existed before you and I were born, before any church or world existed.你潜意识中创造奇迹的能力在你和我出生之前就存在了,在教会和人类社会诞生前就存在了。

10.His miracle on this day was just a pttle taste of why he had come into this world.祂当日所施行的神迹,只是让我们浅尝祂来到世上的目的。