


美式发音: [ˈtɪrf(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈtɪə(r)f(ə)l]




Adj.+n.tearful farewell,tearful wife


adj.upset,in tears,crying,weepy,weeping



1.哭泣的;含泪的crying, or about to cry

She suddenly became very tearful.她突然痛哭流涕。

2.令人伤心的;催人泪下的at which people feel emotional and cry

a tearful farewell挥泪送别


adj.1.crying, or feepng as if you want to cry; done by someone who is crying

1.含泪的 102、sly 狡猾的 104、tearful 含泪的 105、dreadful 可怕的, <口>讨厌的 ...

2.泪流满面 absolutely pvid!!( 铁青着脸) tearful( 泪流满面) "grief!"( 很伤心) ...

3.热泪盈眶 ... ·熟能生巧 Skill comes from long experience. ·热泪盈眶 tearful. ·热身运动 warm-up exercise. ...

4.流泪的 sorrowful 悲伤的 tearful 流泪的 timid 胆怯的 ...

5.泪汪汪的 ... sweat n. 汗,出汗 tearful adj. 含泪的,泪汪汪的 pearl n. 珍珠 ...

6.眼泪汪汪的 hug vt. 紧抱;抱住 tearful adj. 眼泪汪汪的 eagerly adv. 渴望地;热切地 ...

7.哭泣的 tangle v. (口语)争吵,发生争论 tearful a. 满含泪水的,哭泣的 tighten v. 旋紧 ...

8.满含泪水的 tangle v. (口语)争吵,发生争论 tearful a. 满含泪水的,哭泣的 tighten v. 旋紧 ...


1.His powerful images include his tearful sons saying goodbye and a distant shot of him lying on the operating table.他强有力的照片包含了他哭着说再见的儿子,还有他躺在手术台上时候的远距离拍摄。

2.I am at a loss in the tearful eyes full of sadness, I found a pair of eyes watching me with concern.在我泪眼迷惘满腹伤感的时候,我发现有一双眼睛在关切地注视着我。

3.Dear Mother, the other day, a woman lying on the road gazed at me with tearful eyes. It seems I've fallen for her.亲爱的母亲,有一天,有个女人倒在路上,用泪水汪汪的眼睛看著我,我好像爱上她了。

4.A good memory, with a tearful smile toward tomorrow. I smile with you in the farewell, let us again next time. Let us again next time.一段美好的回忆,带着泪流满面的微笑走向明天。我在笑容中与你们挥别,让我们下次再会…让我们下次再会。

5.Thank you to flow at all tearful , you thank him for canvassing.谢谢他不惜一切地流下泪来,谢谢他给你拉票。

6."It's not so much what my husband says, " a tearful wife confides, "as the way he says it. Why dose he have to yell at me? "泪流满面的妻子倾诉道:“倒不是因为他说的话不对,而是他说话的方式。凭什么要对我那样大喊大叫?”

7."The wall of fear has come down, " he shouted in the telephone on air, in a tearful account of the mayhem in the Mediterranean port city.“墙上的恐惧已经到了,”他大声在电话对空气,在一个在地中海港口城市混乱含泪帐户。

8.In the large bed was a boy, who looked tired and cross, with a thin, white, tearful face. He stared at Mary.在一张大床上躺着一个男孩,看上去疲惫、烦躁。他的脸颊消瘦、苍白,挂满了泪痕。他瞪大眼睛看着玛丽。

9.But one of his fellow Marines brought his souvenirs with him, and returned them to their owner's grateful and tearful family.但是康纳的一个水兵朋友将他的纪念品都归还给了它们的主人,主人感激涕零。

10.When he reached the workhouse, he waited for a minute to make sure his face was suitably tearful and frightened.他来到了济贫院,先在外面站了一会儿,好确实做到自己的脸上有适当的泪痕和害怕的样子。