


美式发音: [maɪrd] 英式发音: [maɪə(r)d]





1.陷入困境;处境艰难in a difficult or unpleasant situation that you cannot escape from

The country was mired in recession.这个国家陷入了经济衰退的困境。

2.陷入泥沼;深陷泥潭stuck in deep mud

adj.1.caught in an unpleasant situation that you cannot easily escape from2.stuck in soft wet ground

1.使……深陷泥潭 egg donor. 卵子捐献者 Mired 使……深陷泥潭 Bizarre: 奇怪 ...

2.陷於困境 赞助者电邮 Sponsor Email: Mired( 陷於困境) Critical point( 临界点) ...

3.麦瑞德 装版材料 Furniture 微倒数度 Mired 装版操作 Planning ...

5.调节 5、Non-CPU AI Nikkor: 可在[A]和[M]模式下 30 MIRED 调节) TTL 全开光圈测光; ...

6.逆标色温 ... 1年前 瓮牖绳枢之子 mired in colluding with 1年前 羊吃草 mired 使陷入困境 mired in controversy ...


1.The Dark forces are struggpng to keep as many of you mired down and anchored to the lower frequencies as possible.黑暗势力在不断斗争,以尽可能的困住你们,描定在这低级的频率中。

2.Mired in debt, the city sold the building to an investor who found a pretext to terminate the leases.陷入债务危机之后,政府将这栋大楼出售给了投资商,投资商又找借口终止了租赁合同。

3.I fear that Europe could be mired in low growth not just for a year or two but for a decade.我担心欧洲陷入低增长泥沼中的时间可能不仅是一两年,而是长达十年之久。

4.Now think what will happen if, after two or more years of monstrous fiscal deficits, the US is still mired in unemployment and slow growth.设想一下,假如在巨额财赤状况持续了两年或更长时间后,美国仍陷于失业和增长缓慢的泥潭之中,后果将会怎样呢?

5.Prices in Italy have been more stable than those of any of the other countries mired in the debt crisis.意大利的房价一直比深陷债务危机泥潭的其他国家要稳定。

6.The economy continued to be mired in a long recession that many blamed on the free-trade agreement.经济依然是陷入长期衰退,许多归咎于自由贸易协定。

7.A CENTRAL lesson of the Great Depression was that economies mired in deep downturns seldom recover quickly on their own.我们从经济大萧条所学到的一条重要经验,就是深陷衰退的经济极少能迅速地自我痊愈。

8.In contrast, the United States seems to be mired in a poptical stalemate that becomes more complex and confused at every turn.相比之下,美国似乎正深陷政治僵局的泥潭中,每一个新的动作都使情况更加复杂和混乱。

9.Take this at your own pace, and treat yourself kindly if you get a response that formerly might have mired you in shame.按自己的步伐,然后如果得到的一个回应是照过去会让你感到羞愧的话,善待自己。

10.At the end of 1989 it was easy to imagine the region staying mired in poverty for decades.很容易想像在1989年末的时候,这个地区还深陷贫困了几十年的泥潭里。