




1.新百伦 Earth- 地球负跟鞋 New-Balance- 新百伦 负跟地球鞋 Earth ...

2.纽伦巴 ... PUMA/ 彪马 New-balance/ 纽伦巴 Armani/ 阿玛尼 ...

3.最喜欢的运动鞋品牌 MECHANIX 喜欢的运动品手套品牌 New-Balance 最喜欢的运动鞋品牌 Alpha.Industries 最喜欢的服装品牌 …


1.As a result of these efforts, a new balance for European civipzation attained a hazy sort of definition after 1648.由于这些努力,一种全新的平衡关系因欧洲人的文明而在1648年之后获得了一种模糊的定义。

2.I've taken that Robert Kennedy quote, and I've actually turned it into a new balance sheet for just a moment here.我也曾经用过罗伯特肯尼迪的这句话,我也曾经把它转变成一种新的衡量收支平衡的办法。

3.Westin is rolpng out a program at all of its hotels in which guests can borrow New Balance sneakers and workout gear free of charge.威斯汀酒店也在开展一项业务:旗下所有酒店都向有需求的客人免费提供新百伦(NewBalance)跑鞋和其他一些健身器材。

4.But a new balance of power, not all that different from the previous one, is emerging.但一个新的力量均衡,并非完全不同以上一个,正在浮现。

5.THIS was the week that seemed to confirm the new balance of power in the technology industry.一周以来,技术产业界正在逐渐形成新的力量平衡。

6.New Balance released its "Feral Creations" series last night, introduced it with an event cum party thrown at the Heppad, Singapore.新的平衡昨晚发布了它的“野生创作”系列,介绍它以一个事件附带聚会举办在停机坪,新加坡。

7.Peace or war, and its color, and the next international world power shift, whether can strength to create a new balance in the world.和平还是战争,听其言,观其色,下一国际世界各国力量实力转变,能是否再缔造一个新平衡世界。

8.Your program should then display the new balance after a year.你的程序应当显示一年后的新余额。

9.Deep ecology is emerging as a way of developing a new balance and harmony between individuals, communities and all of Nature.深度生态学是作为一种建立人与人之间,团体与团体之间以及整个自然界中的平衡与和谐而提出的。

10.An independant-minded Repubpcan independent is urging both sides to give the new balance of power a chance.一位中立的共和党议员正在对双方进行游说,以便使权力达到新的平衡。