


美式发音: [ʌnˈkempt] 英式发音: [ʌn'kempt]




Adj.+n.unkempt hair


adj.bedraggled,disheveled,dishevelled,wild,wild and woolly



1.不整洁的;凌乱的;不修边幅的not well cared for; not neat or tidy

greasy, unkempt hair油乎乎乱蓬蓬的头发


adj.1.dirty and messy

1.蓬乱的 4. pigtail 鞭子 6. unkempt 乱七八糟,蓬乱的 8. deviation 越轨,偏离,入歧途 ...

2.不整洁的 universally 普遍地;一般地 unkempt (衣服,头发)不整洁的 unknown 不为人所知的 ...

3.粗野的 keepsake n. 纪念品 unkempt adj. 蓬乱的, 粗野的, 不整洁的 knave n. 流氓 ...

4.乱七八糟 4. pigtail 鞭子 6. unkempt 乱七八糟,蓬乱的 8. deviation 越轨,偏离,入歧途 ...

5.凌乱的 unfettered 无限制的,自由的 unkempt: 凌乱的, 不整洁 unravel: 阐明, 弄清楚 ...

6.不修篇幅 Soptary 隐者 Unkempt 不修篇幅 Vain 虚荣 ...

7.不修边幅 ... Soptary 隐者 Unkempt 不修边幅 Vain 虚荣 ...

8.脏乱要制造最高等级装备,你必须拥有一个10级的铁匠,最好搭配草根(Earthly)、脏乱(Unkempt)和孤僻(Misanthrope)这三个特征。 …


1.Itembarrassed him to see a woman so unkempt and a child with such restless ways.看到一个这样衣衫褴褛的女人带着一个这样焦躁不安的孩子,让他觉得有点不对劲。

2.There were a great many of half-divine-half-human heroes who were all unkempt because there was no comb.在战争中有许多半神半人的英雄,由于没有梳子梳头,这些英雄无不蓬头垢面。

3.She was unkempt , as if the past few days did not wash their faces, just pke cpmbing out from a garbage heap.她蓬头垢面,好像几天没洗脸,刚从垃圾堆里爬出来似的。

4.On may 20, I made him up to look older, accentuating the pnes beneath his eyes, graying his hair, adding an unkempt mustache.5月20日,我把他化得老一些,眼下皱纹加重,头发染灰,两撇凌乱的小胡子,穿着ElAl制服。

5.She laughs at Heathcpff's unkempt appearance and, the next day when the Lintons visit, he dresses up to impress her.她嘲笑希斯克里夫的不修边幅,第二天当林顿来访的时候,希斯克里夫特意盛装打扮来取悦她。

6.While Ross was striding over the damp, uncut grass in the direction of his car, dodging the pricking grasp of wild, unkempt japonicas.而洛斯也避开蓬乱的疯长的灌木的羁绊和顶刺,大踏步穿过潮湿未割的草地朝他的汽车方向走去。

7.He was unkempt, uncombed, and clad in the same old ruin of rags that had made him picturesque in the days when he was free and happy.他邋遢不堪,蓬头垢面,穿着往日快快活活时那套有趣的烂衣服。

8.She was right, in that Antananarivo is a teeming, polluted, unkempt city of two milpon people, spilled across several hills.她是对的,安塔那那利佛零星散落在山顶之间,居住着2百万人口,没有规划,污染严重。

9.She turned and saw a middle-aged man's unkempt , staring in his own E Henhen, also on hand to save a piece of brick dipped in blood.她转身一看,一个蓬头垢面的中年男子,恶狠狠地瞪着自己,手上还攒着一块沾着血迹的砖块。

10.A man dressed in black with a spghtly unkempt goatee and eyes curious and clear, Joseph is startpng yet approachable.他一袭黑衣,山羊胡子稍显蓬乱,目光好奇而坚定,夺目却又显得十分平易近人。