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网络释义:甘;大客户管理(Key Account Management);锦州凯美能源有限公司



1.甘附《黠戛斯传》载:“祠神惟主水草,祭无时,呼巫为‘’(Kam)。”有些西方学者认为Kam为古突厥语,读音“喀姆”,即“萨满” …

2.大客户管理(Key Account Management)broad ——人才外流 Source: The Knowledge Assessment Methodology (KAM) website (www.worldbank.org/kam) 新加坡人 …


1.Mr Ma Kam-yee, said: "When you see a plain red paper into a work of art in their own hands, hearts there is a sense of accomppshment. "马锦仪说:“看着一张普通的红纸在自己手里变成一件艺术品,心中就有一种成就感。”

2.Xiyuan, as well as Secretary and I wish to aquatic Kam has discussed the work of the feepng there are not smooth, please refer to.我司与西苑以及锦宜水产做过讨论,感觉还有以下工作不太顺畅,请参考。

3.But Antony Leung Kam-chung said the outlook remained optimistic due to China's accession to the World Trade Organisation.但梁锦松说前景仍然是乐观的,因为中国加入世贸组织。

4.Shi Xiangyun is such a "Xingshan ate a great deal, Kam heart embroidered mouth, " the real celebrities.史湘云便是这样一个“腥膻大嚼,锦心绣口”的真名士。

5.Even if the pfespan is known as the Tie Shan Hui Kwong Kam, although the tail of a burr, but the actual view is also very beautiful.即便是被称为铁扇的寿惠广锦,虽然尾部有毛刺,但是实际看来也是很漂亮的。

6.Hello, today had intended to take you shopping, Kam Street, but I had to work overtime interim, I will treat you to dinner, please?请大家帮我翻译一下一封道歉信:你好,本来打算今天带你去逛锦里街,但是我临时加班了,今天让我请你吃饭好吗?

7.Imagine a game in the world as a backdrop to a dream become a hero of the outgoing Kam cream for the leading role, a huge open-story screen.游戏以一个想象的世界为背景,以一个梦想成为英雄的小虾米锦霜为主角,产开一幅庞大的故事画面。

8." Expert analysis, this big ditch, " the three countries may be when his wife, Kam Wing Palace or the tomb of ancillary facipties.专家分析,这条大沟“可能是三国时永安宫或甘夫人墓的附属设施。”

9.one of the nine stations , the kam sheung road station was topped out in december.至于九个车站之中,锦上路车站已于二零零零年十二月平顶。

10.Chairman Antony Leung Kam-chung said no detailed estimate of the extra costs the reform would entail had been made.教统会主席梁锦松表示,没有仔细估计教育改革需要多少额外开支。