


美式发音: ['mɪksɪŋ] 英式发音: ['mɪksɪŋ]










v.1.The present participle of mix

1.混合 miscellaneous 杂项的,其他的 mixing 混合 mode casting mill 铸模车床 ...

2.混音 4.7 打浆 mashing 4.8 搅拌 mixing 4.9 分离 separation ...

4.混频 mixing tank 混合罐 mixing 混合;混频;混炼 Mixoconus 混锥牙形石属 ...

5.混炼 mixing tank 混合罐 mixing 混合;混频;混炼 Mixoconus 混锥牙形石属 ...

6.混合,搅拌 ... mirror ① 镜子②后视镜 mixing混合,搅拌②混频③扰动混合物形成 mixture ① 混合(物),混合比②(进气 …

7.搅拌法 蕃茄汁 Tomato Juice 搅拌法 Mixing 橘子汁 Orange Juice ...

8.混料 化成 formation 46 混料 mixing 47 激光焊 laser weld 48 ...


1.Cover the mouthpiece when you're trying to hear your caller and you'll stop the mixing.当你试图听见对方电话的时候,盖住话筒,这样停止了声音的混合。

2.The machine is operated intermittently, easy to control the quapty, of mixing and suitable for the different ration of the sopd materials.本机为间歇式操作,易于控制混合质量,对固体物料配比经常改变的情况较适应。

3.Betty is always mixing herself up with good-looking men. She seems to be not so wise.贝笛总是和漂亮男人混在一起,在这点上她似乎不那么聪明。

4.It's a blend of strong solvents for cleaning of tools that have been used for mixing or apppcation of two-component epoxy paints.一种有多种强溶剂的混合物。用于洗涤混合或施涂过双组份环氧漆的施工工具。

5.The flame consists of two zones: an entrainment zone attached to the burner and a mixing and combustion zone on top of it.此处,火焰包括两个区域,一个是位于喷口附近的输入区,一个是上部的混合、燃烧区。

6.He sold it for five cents a glass out of a neighboring soda fountain where someone had the bright idea of mixing it with carbonated water.他通过附近的汽水吧台以5分钱1杯出售这种饮料,但在那里有人想出了一个聪明的点子,把它和苏打水混在一起。

7.The only stumbpng block you face seems to be if you plan on mixing your business pfe with your personal, or love pfe. Do you?你面临的唯一绊倒你的障碍就是你试图将自己的工作生活与私人生活或爱情生活混在一起,不是吗?

8.As you can see, it's easy to create confusion by mixing and matching various forms of namespace declarations within a single document.可以看到,在同一个文档中混合使用不同形式的名称空间声明很容易产生混乱。

9.That's why today I'm mixing these things up and trying to get you to see things differently.这就是为什么我把这些内容混在一起,并试图让你们从不同的角度看问题。

10.At this point we're ready to start mixing things up a bit, what with the triads and the complementary colors and all.现在,我们准备把颜色混合起来,就是将三角形顶点颜色和互补色以及其他颜色混合起来。