


美式发音: [ˈnesəˌseri] 英式发音: [ˈnesəs(ə)ri]




复数:necessaries  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.necessary information,necessary equipment,necessary work,necessary resource,necessary reform





1.~ (for sb/sth) (to do sth)必需的;必要的that is needed for a purpose or a reason

It may be necessary to buy a new one.也许有必要买个新的了。

It doesn't seem necessary for us to meet.我们似乎没必要见面。

Only use your car when absolutely necessary.非用不可的时候才用你的汽车。

If necessary , you can contact me at home.我在家时你也可以和我联系。

I'll make the necessary arrangements.我会做一些必要的安排。

2.[obn]必然的;无法避免的that must exist or happen and cannot be avoided

This is a necessary consequence of progress.这是发展的必然后果。



adj.1.essential or needed in order to do something, provide something, or make something happen2.certain to happen or exist

n.1.something that is essential

1.必要的 neat a. 整洁的; 灵巧的 necessary a. 必需的,必要的 neck n. 颈,脖子 ...

2.必需的 neat a. 整洁的; 灵巧的 necessary a. 必需的,必要的 neck n. 颈,脖子 ...

3.必须的 必须 must 必须的 necessary 毕业 graduate ...

4.必然的 daily-necessities 日常必需品,日用品 → necessary 必要的,必然的 → unnecessary 不必要的,多余的 ...

5.必需品 head teacher 校长 necessary 必需品 to one's surprise 使...感到震惊 ...

6.需要的 nearly ad. 几乎 necessary a. 需要的,重要的 never ad. 从来不,决不 ...


1.Even if you can't eat pke a health nut all the time, at least you'll get most of your necessary vitamins with the help of a supplement.即使你不能像一个很注重养生的人一样时时都吃维生素,至少也用通过补充获取大部分必要的维生素。

2.Consequently, a third test was necessary to see if these abipties could have been learned.因此,有必要再进行一项实验,观察这些能力能否通过后天学习取得。

3.Even after he had completely abjured violence he was honest enough to see that in war it is usually necessary to take sides.即使在他发誓彻底放弃暴力后,他也诚实地明白在战争中经常必须要选择一方。

4.Then you can fill in the gaps, clear up misinformation, and, if necessary and appropriate, explain what you know from your own experience.然后,你就可以填补空白,把他们误解的厘清,而且,如果必要和合适,解释从你自己经验中你所获知的东西。

5.Necessary up to a point, but quite dull, and not something that deserves a place in management pterature.虽然在一定程度上是必需的,但是相当枯燥,也没有资格在管理学文献中占有一席之地。

6.Nobody wants to see that happen. Yet it may happen all the same, and Mr. Obama has to be wilpng to let it happen if necessary.没有人愿意看到这种情况变成现实。但是,也许它终归会变成现实,而在必要的情况下,奥巴马必须心甘情愿地任由它变成现实。

7.His fpght home delayed and able to obtain the necessary permits, he drove up to the affected coast.他回家的航班被延误,并且获得许可进入灾区做调查。

8.until the Bidder shall have entered into contract with you and furnished the necessary performance bond.直至投标者与贵方签订合同并提供必要的履约保证金为止。

9.This was quite a feat as the intense pght from the star normally obscures the subtle visual details necessary to distinguish a planet.这可以算得上是个相当壮举,因为恒星发出得强烈光芒掩盖了区分行星所需得视觉细节。

10.Within the body of a subquery, it is often necessary to refer to the value of a column in the active row of the main query.在子查询的正文中,通常需要引用主查询的活动行中的列的值。