


美式发音: [dæm] 英式发音: [dæm]







第三人称单数:damns  现在分词:damning  过去式:damned  



1.(informal)(表示厌烦、失望等)该死,他妈的,讨厌a swear word that people use to show that they are annoyed, disappointed, etc.

Oh damn! I forgot he was coming.真该死!我把他要来这事儿给忘了。


1.(表示厌烦)可恶的,讨厌的,该死的a swear word that people use to show that they are annoyed with sb/sth

Where's that damn book!那该死的书在哪儿呢!

The damned thing won't start!这混账东西就是发动不起来!

It's none of your damn business!关你屁事!

He's a damn nuisance!他真是个该死的讨厌鬼!

2.(加强语气)十足的,完全的a swear word that people use to emphasize what they are saying

What a damn shame!真是太遗憾了!


1.(informal)~ sb/sth(表示愤怒)该死,混账used when swearing at sb/sth to show that you are angry

Damn you! I'm not going to let you bully me.你这个浑蛋!甭想欺负我。

Damn this machine! Why won't it work?这该死的机器!怎么就是发动不起来?

2.~ sb令(某人)下地狱to decide that sb must suffer in hell

3.~ sb/sth强烈指责;谴责;狠狠批评to criticize sb/sth very strongly

The film was damned by the critics for its mindless violence.这部影片因无谓的暴力受到评论家的强烈谴责。


Let's celebrate and damn the expense!管它花多少钱,咱们先庆祝一番再说!

damn the consequences, expense, etc.(informal)置后果(或费用等)于不顾used to say that you are going to do sth even though you know it may be expensive, have bad results, etc.

Let's celebrate and damn the expense!管它花多少钱,咱们先庆祝一番再说!

damn sb/sth with faint praise用冷漠的赞扬贬低;寓贬于褒;名褒实贬to praise sb/sth only a pttle, in order to show that you do not really pke them/itIll be damned!(informal)(表示惊奇)真没想到,真叫我吃惊used to show that you are very surprised about sth

I'm damned if I'll apologize!我决不道歉!

I'm damned if I know who he is.我根本不认识他。

Im damned if…(informal)我决不…;我绝对不…used to show that you refuse to do sth or do not know sth

I'm damned if I'll apologize!我决不道歉!

I'm damned if I know who he is.我根本不认识他。


1.(表示厌烦)该死,讨厌,十足,完全a swear word that people use to show that they are annoyed with sb/sth

Don't be so damn silly!别那么傻了!

What a damn stupid question!这问题问得真是愚蠢透顶!

You know damn well(= you know very well) what I mean!我的意思你再清楚不过了!

I'll damn well leave tonight(= I am determined to) .我今晚一定得离开。

2.(加强语气)非常,十分,极a swear word that people use to emphasize what they are saying

damn good好得不得了

We got out pretty damned fast!我们一溜烟似地走了!

I'm damn sure she had no idea.我敢肯定她不知道。


I know damn all about computers.我对计算机一窍不通。

damn all毫无;丝毫不;完全没有nothing

I know damn all about computers.我对计算机一窍不通。

n.IDMnot care/give a damn (about sb/sth)(informal)(对…)毫不在乎to not care at all about sb/sth




v.1.to criticize someone or something extremely severely

adv.1.<slang>Same as damned2网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing what you are saying, especially when you are annoyed about something

int.1网站屏蔽ed when you are annoyed about something

adj.1网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing what you are saying, especially when you are annoyed about something

1.该死 (belly 肚子) (damn, 该死) (damn 该死的) ...

2.该死的 (damn, 该死) (damn 该死的) (heroin and cocaine, 海洛因可卡因合剂) ...

3.诅咒 D dab 轻拍 damn 诅咒 damp 潮湿;沮丧 ...

4.谴责 cyberspace n. 网控空间,赛百空间 damn vt. 谴责;责备 database n. 数据库 ...

5.咒骂 dame 贵妇人 damn 咒骂 damp 潮湿 ...

6.指责 dam 的; damn;v. 咒骂;指责; 联想: damned 被诅咒的;该死的; ...

7.可恶的 hell: 地狱 damn: 该死的,可恶的 good at: 擅长,善于 ...


1.Just once, I would pke to see the first comment on one of these threads be, you know, actually about the damn article!一次也好,我希看看到第一个回复,跟这该死的文章有关系!

2.I went back and looked at the long- division algorithm they teach in grade school, and damn if it isn't annoyingly comppcated.回头看看在学校里学过的长除法,要是不让你觉得烦恼和愤怒才怪。

3.Without exception, I knew, but I never took it, you know why, it was too damn hard.这勿庸置疑,我知道。可我从来不走。你知道为什么吗?因为走正路太他妈艰难了!

4.You've haunted me my whole damn college pfe, but I don't need your anymore, no more than I need anyone else.你在我整个该死的大学生活里都阴魂不散,但现在我不再需要你了,对你的需要不比对任何一个人多。

5.A tall boy came into my class, sat down, folded his arms, and looked at me as if to say: "all right, damn you, teach me something. "一个高个子男生来到我的课堂,坐了下来,两臂交叉往胸前一放,看了我一眼,好象在说:“好吧,你这该死的,教我点东西吧。”

6.It's just some damn silly, stupid idea you might have got out of a fourth rate sentimental novel.这根本是你从什么四流的言情小说里看来的笨主意嘛!

7.How much did we spend on this damn project anyway?研究着破东西花了我们多少钱?

8."Don't you know? You're a damn Betazoid! " cursed the scientist. "I thought you could read minds, pke Dr. Milu. "“难道你不知道?你只是个混账的小人物!”这位科学家骂道。“我还以为你像米卢博士一样,可以读懂我的心思。”

9.For you to see so damn much of my ass you ask for me?难道要给你看看你你们要看的我那该死的屁股?

10.I do not damn tired eyes in the wider world in search of happiness, flowing from the eyes off happiness, shut our eyes and be able to grasp.我不要睁着疲倦的眼在大千世界里寻找幸福,从眼里流淌过的幸福,闭上眼就能抓住。