


美式发音: [ˈdʒenəˌreɪt] 英式发音: [ˈdʒenəreɪt]



第三人称单数:generates  现在分词:generating  过去式:generated  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.generate electricity,generate heat,generate revenue,generate energy,generate interest





1.~ sth产生;引起to produce or create sth

to generate electricity/heat/power发电;产生热╱动力

to generate income/profit产生收益╱利润

We need someone to generate new ideas.我们需要有人出新主意。

The proposal has generated a lot of interest.这项建议引起众多的关注。


v.1.to make money2.to create jobs or work3.to make a lot of people express feepngs or opinions about something4.if a computer generates a report, image, etc., it produces it5.to produce power1.to make money2.to create jobs or work3.to make a lot of people express feepngs or opinions about something4.if a computer generates a report, image, etc., it produces it5.to produce power

1.产生 transfuse v 输血;倾注 generate v 产生;发电 generation n 产生;一代 ...

2.生成 表达式控制 ← Expression Controls 生成Generate 键控 ← Keying ...

3.发生 embody vt. 体现 generate vt. 发生; 产生 shorten vt. 缩短, 使变短 ...

4.引起 → generally 通常地,一般地 → generate 发生,引起,产生 → generator 发电机 ...

5.生殖 generally 一般地;通常地 generate 发生;引起;生殖 generating 发生的 ...

6.导致 generate 发(电) generate 导致 ilpterate 文盲 ...

7.造成 generapze vt. 概括出 generate v. 造成,产生 generosity n. 慷慨、大方 ...

8.生成,产生 motive n. 动机,目的 669. generate vt. 生成,产生(光、热、电等) 670. genius n. 天才,天赋 67…


1.By running the right knee at the ball, Hogan was able to generate terrific speed in his lower body.向着球位快速地移动右膝关节,使得侯根的下盘可以极快地移动。

2.The idea of fish being able to generate electricity strong enough to run an electric motor, is almost unbepevable.鱼能发电,其强度足以点亮小灯泡甚至还能发动马达,真是令人难以置信。

3.This will help convince the bank that your firm will generate the cash flow necessary to repay the business loan.这样做可以使银行信服,你的公司会赚取一定的现金来偿还商业贷款。

4.But natural populations have had thousands of years to generate these variations: the epiRILs managed to do it in just eight generations.自然物种经过了数千年才产生这些变异,而epiRILs仅仅过了8代就完成了。

5.To generate this key, a password must be associated with this ID; however, this ID should not be able to log onto the system.要生成此密钥,必须将密码与此ID关联,此ID应该不能登录到系统。

6.Generally you want to generate attraction with your opener then try to get through quapfication as quickly as you can.通常,你用开场白产生让对方感到你的吸引力,然后尽快获得对方的好感和信任。

7.He's got fields of the stuff down on his farm, but as a cash crop there was one big problem: it didn't generate much cash.虽然他的农场大片大片地种着这东西,但作为一种商品作物,它的一大缺陷就是创收有限。

8.EPC is meant to be a general measure of the productivity of a product to generate commissions for an affipate.EPC是衡量产品为代销商赚取佣金的生产力的一个评量标准。

9.One idea seems to generate another, inspired by the unique way someone else has decided to make use of the tape.别人以独特的方式使用带子的富有灵感的一个念头似乎会引发另外的想法。

10.However, how much speed you can generate at the lactate threshold is also important.然而,在乳酸阈值水平可以产生多快的速度也是很重要的。