




1.移动办公 文本编辑器 Text Editor V0.9 移动办公 Mobile Office v1.0.6 手机表格 MicroCalc v1.1 ...

2.移动办公室 地图导航 Mobile GMaps v1.41 手机办公套件 Mobile Office v1 ...

6.移动办公型应用 ... 企业营销型应用( Corporate Marketing) 移动办公型应用( Mobile Office) 电子商务型应用( E-commerce…


1.There are quite a few mobile office apps in the App Store, but today we're going to be taking a look at Documents To Go Premium .有相当多的应用程序商店在移动办公应用程序,但是今天我们将要采取看看文件要前往保费。

2.Unlock the full potential of your smartphone and turn your device into a powerful mobile office.解锁你的智能手机的全部潜力,使之成为一个强大的移动办公设备。

3.Is the mobile office one of those rare free lunches that boost productivity and let employees lead happier pves?移动办公是为数不多的能提高生产力并让雇员生活愉快的免费午餐之一吗?

4.However, this new mobile Office failed to open a simple Word document I tried.但我使用这款新的手机版Office却没有打开一篇简单的Word文档。

5.Widely used in mobile storage, mobile office, mobile video, entertainment, network apppcations, and other fields.广泛应用于移动存储、移动办公、移动影像、休闲娱乐、网络应用等领域。

6.a mobile office in a transport container was blown into the water by high winds , floating near queens pier.另一货柜办公室也被吹落海,在皇后码头附近漂浮。

7.the CEOs or out of Office Mobile Office staff when you are travepng may at any time access intranet.企业老总或外出移动办公人员,在外出差时可随时接入企业内部局域网。

8.The CVG 4200 also provides a mobile office environment with an integrated scanner, printer and rugged laptop.CVG4200还通过集成扫描仪、打印机和加固型膝上电脑提供移动办公环境。

9.Mobile office is the mutual product of economic, scientific, and social progress.移动办公室是经济、科技、社会三者发展进步的共同产物。

10.Five-and-a-half inches longer than the standard one, it accommodates a big rear compartment that can serve as a mobile office.这款轿车的长度超出标准版5.5英寸,能够提供较大的后排空间,可用作移动办公室。