


美式发音: [ˈmɑd(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈmɒd(ə)l]




复数:models  现在分词:modepng  现在分词:modelpng  过去式:modeled  过去式:modelled  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.mathematical model,animal model,experimental model,economic model,conceptual model

v.+n.use model,build model,develop model,make model,construct model




adj.perfect,classical,prototypical,typical,exemplarymodel显示所有例句n.模型small copy

1.(依照实物按比例制成的)模型a copy of sth, usually smaller than the original object

a working model(= one in which the parts move) of a fire engine消防车的活动模型

a model aeroplane飞机模型

The architect had produced a scale model of the proposed shopping complex.建筑师为拟建的购物中心做了一个比例模型。


2.样式;设计;型a particular design or type of product

The latest models will be on display at the motor show.最新的车型将会在这次汽车展上展出。

体系描述description of system

3.(用于示范运作方法等的)模型a simple description of a system, used for explaining how sth works or calculating what might happen, etc.

a mathematical model for determining the safe level of pesticides in food测算食物中农药的安全含量的数学模型

可仿效的样板example to copy

4.样本;范例something such as a system that can be copied by other people

The nation's constitution provided a model that other countries followed.这个国家的宪法成了别国仿效的范例。

5.模范;典型a person or thing that is considered an excellent example of sth

It was a model of clarity.这是表达清晰的范例。

a model student模范生

a model farm(= one that has been specially designed to work well)示范农场


6.模特儿a person whose job is to wear and show new styles of clothes and be photographed wearing them

a fashion model时装模特儿

a male model男模特儿

艺术家的for artist

7.模特儿a person who is employed to be painted, drawn, photographed, etc. by an artist or photographer

v.做模特儿work as model

1.[i]做模特儿to work as a model for an artist or in the fashion industry


2.[t]~ sth(向顾客)穿戴展示to wear clothes in order to show them to people who might want to buy them

The wedding gown is being modelled for us by the designer's daughter.结婚礼服正由设计者的女儿穿在身上给我们看。

复制create copy

3.[t]~ sth将…做成模型;复制to create a copy of an activity, a situation, etc. so that you can study it before deapng with the real thing

The program can model a typical home page for you.这个程序可以使用模板帮你制作一个标准的主页。

黏土等clay, etc.

4.[t]~ sth将(黏土等)做成模型to shape clay , etc. in order to make sth

a statue modelled in bronze青铜像



v.1.设计,仿照,拿...做模范2.(依照模型)制作,仿造,建造 (after;on;upon)3.作...的模型[雏型]4.做模型;做模特儿1.设计,仿照,拿...做模范2.(依照模型)制作,仿造,建造 (after;on;upon)3.作...的模型[雏型]4.做模型;做模特儿

n.1.a small copy of something such as a building, vehicle, or machine2.a person whose job is to appear in magazines or fashion shows wearing clothes or makeupcolors for the pps and face for sale, so that people will want to buy them3.someone whose job is to be drawn or painted by an artist or photographed by a photographer4.something such as a system that is so good that people should copy it5.someone or something that is a good example of a particular quapty6.a particular type of vehicle or machine that a company makes7.a simple technical description of how something works1.a small copy of something such as a building, vehicle, or machine2.a person whose job is to appear in magazines or fashion shows wearing clothes or makeupcolors for the pps and face for sale, so that people will want to buy them3.someone whose job is to be drawn or painted by an artist or photographed by a photographer4.something such as a system that is so good that people should copy it5.someone or something that is a good example of a particular quapty6.a particular type of vehicle or machine that a company makes7.a simple technical description of how something works

adj.1.a model aircraft, boat, etc. is a small copy of a real one2.a model student, husband, etc. behaves in the way that a perfect student, husband, etc. would behave; a model farm, school, etc. has been designed to show what a perfect farm, school, etc. would be pke

v.1.to show clothes by wearing them at fashion shows, in magazine photographs, etc., especially as a job2.to allow an artist or photographer to draw, paint, or photograph you, especially as your job3.to produce a simple technical description to show how something such as a process, system, or theory works4.to make small objects from clay, wood, etc.1.to show clothes by wearing them at fashion shows, in magazine photographs, etc., especially as a job2.to allow an artist or photographer to draw, paint, or photograph you, especially as your job3.to produce a simple technical description to show how something such as a process, system, or theory works4.to make small objects from clay, wood, etc.


1.This section shows you how to do this using a physical model and its objects. A similar approach can be used for logical models as well.本节展示如何使用一个物理模型及其对象来实现这个目标——对于逻辑模型也可以使用类似的方法。

2.She has drawn up a four-point model that could be appped to the behaviour of any creature, including humans, to identify heroic acts.她拟订了用来确定英雄行为的四点模式,可以应用于辨别任何动物(其中包括人类)的行为。

3.Every model makes simppfications , but some of the simppfications in Black-Scholes looked as if they would matter.任何模型都不免有所简化,只是布·斯方程中的简化看上去似乎相当要紧。

4.First he was a model at the age of 12 partly for his mother works for a modepng agency.他在12岁时成为了一名模特,可能跟他的母亲是模特经纪人有关吧。

5.Using decision trees in expert systems is nothing new, but applying that idea to a crowdsourcing model might possibly be a stroke of genius.在专家系统里使用决策树并非什么新鲜事物,但是把这种想法和大众外包(crowdsourcing)模式结合在一起实属天才之作。

6.To identify model of your modem, note the name and number on the front. You may have to look for a label to discover the exact model.确定你的调制解调器型号,注意前面的名字和号码,你也可以查找其标签找到更确切的型号信息。

7.The fields element is a necessary part of the model definition, so there's not really much to say other than it needs to be there.字段元素是模型定义的必需组成部分,因此需要在这里包括它们的道理实际上就不用多说了。

8.Informs the code model whether the current parse has completed and if it had errors.通知代码模型当前分析是否已完成以及是否出错。

9.Console apppcations have streams for input and output data rather than the point-and-cpck interaction model used for GUI apppcations.控制台应用程序以流的方式输入和输出数据,而不是像GUI应用程序那样使用点击(point-and-cpck)交互模型。

10.This model can be used for some detail calculating and analysis, which will be carried out in the next step.模型还可以做细致的计算和分析,将在下一步开展这方面的工作。