


美式发音: [dɪsˈmɪs] 英式发音: [dɪs'mɪs]



第三人称单数:dismisses  现在分词:dismissing  过去式:dismissed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.dismiss case,dismiss idea,dismiss subject,dismiss staff,dismiss worker

v.detain,dwell on

v.give notice,discharge,sack,fire,let go



1.不予考虑;摒弃;对…不屑一提to decide that sb/sth is not important and not worth thinking or talking about

I think we can safely dismiss their objections.我认为我们对他们的异议完全可以不予理会。

Vegetarians are no longer dismissed as cranks.素食主义者不再被当作怪人。

He dismissed the opinion polls as worthless.他认为民意测验毫无用处而不予考虑。

The suggestion should not be dismissed out of hand(= without thinking about it) .这建议不应当直接就被摒弃。

2.去除,消除,摒除(思想、感情等)to put thoughts or feepngs out of your mind

Dismissing her fears, she cpmbed higher.她排除了恐惧,爬得更高了。

He dismissed her from his mind.他挥去了对她的思念。

3.~ sb (from sth)解雇;免职;开除to officially remove sb from their job

She claims she was unfairly dismissed from her post.她声称自己被无理免职。

4.~ sb让(某人)离开;把(某人)打发走;解散to send sb away or allow them to leave

At 12 o'clock the class was dismissed.12 点下课了。

5.~ sth驳回;不受理to say that a trial or legal case should not continue, usually because there is not enough evidence

The case was dismissed.此案已被驳回。

6.~ sb使(球员或球队)退场;使出局to end the innings of a player or team


v.1.to refuse to accept that something might be true or important2.to force someone to leave their job3.to officially tell people that they can leave a place4.if a judge dismisses a court case, they officially decide that the case should not continue1.to refuse to accept that something might be true or important2.to force someone to leave their job3.to officially tell people that they can leave a place4.if a judge dismisses a court case, they officially decide that the case should not continue

1.解雇 diploma n. 文凭,学位 dismiss v. 解雇 drawer n. 出票人,开票人,抽屉 ...

2.解散 discriminate 辨别;歧视 dismiss 解散;开除 disburse 支付,支出 ...

3.开除 开初〖 affirst;early〗 开除〖 expel;dismiss〗 开船〖 setsail〗 ...

4.遣散 dish n. 盘,碟;盘装菜;盘形物 dismiss vt. 让 …… 离开;遣散;解散;解雇 disturb vt. 扰乱;打 …

5.驳回 trial n. 审判 dismiss vt. 驳回, 对…不予受理 cost n. 诉讼费 ...

6.打发走 discount n. 折扣,贴现 dismiss v. 让……离开,打发走 dismissal n. 打发 …

7.解雇,开除 vinegar n. 醋 dismiss v. 解雇,开除;把(某人)打发走;解散 gunpowder n. …


1.The case was later turned over to prosecutors who will decide whether to formally charge Kerry or dismiss the matter.这一案件后来被移交给检察官,由他们决定是否正式起诉还是驳回。

2.It can be all too easy to dismiss the worth or depth of your own problems, and thereby seek to apologise for your need for help.人们很容易就会忽视自身问题的价值或者严重性,并由此对自己需要帮助心存歉意。

3.If you posit this idea to any of the company's top executives, they'll dismiss it.如果你将这种观点说给公司内部任何一个高管听,他们都会对此表示不屑。

4.I then went on to advise her to acknowledge what had happened to her, not dismiss it, and put it on the shelf at the back of her mind.然后,我继续建议她去认清是什么发生在她身上,不去消除它,而是把它放在她脑后的架子上(置之脑后)。

5.Until recently, it was easy to dismiss such ambitions as the hubristic musings of a young upstart.直到最近,人们很容易将这类雄心壮志视为年轻新贵的狂妄自大。

6.Do not say, "It is morning, " and dismiss it with a name of yesterday. See it for the first time as a newborn child that has no name.不要说:“这是早晨”,并用“昨天”的名字把它打发掉。初次见面就把它当作还没有名字的新生儿吧。

7.It would be easy to dismiss it with an indulgent smile.我们很容易对此一笑而过。

8.It is all too easy to dismiss this pne of reasoning as a hypocritical defence of the rich.从这个推论里,不难发现为富人所作的伪善辩护。

9."It would be easy to dismiss [casual search behavior], except for the fact that people are doing it, " he says.“除了人们正在进行随机搜索这一事实本身,(随机搜索行为)很容易被忽略掉”,他说。

10.All this brave talk might seem easy to dismiss as the swagger of an arrogant upstart.如果是一个自大的暴发户说出这些大胆的话,人们很容易对其嗤之以鼻。