



美式发音: [ˈmɑd(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈmɒd(ə)l]





复数:models  现在分词:modepng  现在分词:modelpng  过去式:modeled  过去式:modelled  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.mathematical model,animal model,experimental model,economic model,conceptual model

v.+n.use model,build model,develop model,make model,construct model






modeled显示所有例句n.模型small copy

1.(依照实物按比例制成的)模型a copy of sth, usually smaller than the original object

a working model(= one in which the parts move) of a fire engine消防车的活动模型

a model aeroplane飞机模型

The architect had produced a scale model of the proposed shopping complex.建筑师为拟建的购物中心做了一个比例模型。


2.样式;设计;型a particular design or type of product

The latest models will be on display at the motor show.最新的车型将会在这次汽车展上展出。

体系描述description of system

3.(用于示范运作方法等的)模型a simple description of a system, used for explaining how sth works or calculating what might happen, etc.

a mathematical model for determining the safe level of pesticides in food测算食物中农药的安全含量的数学模型

可仿效的样板example to copy

4.样本;范例something such as a system that can be copied by other people

The nation's constitution provided a model that other countries followed.这个国家的宪法成了别国仿效的范例。

5.模范;典型a person or thing that is considered an excellent example of sth

It was a model of clarity.这是表达清晰的范例。

a model student模范生

a model farm(= one that has been specially designed to work well)示范农场


6.模特儿a person whose job is to wear and show new styles of clothes and be photographed wearing them

a fashion model时装模特儿

a male model男模特儿

艺术家的for artist

7.模特儿a person who is employed to be painted, drawn, photographed, etc. by an artist or photographer

v.做模特儿work as model

1.[i]做模特儿to work as a model for an artist or in the fashion industry


2.[t]~ sth(向顾客)穿戴展示to wear clothes in order to show them to people who might want to buy them

The wedding gown is being modelled for us by the designer's daughter.结婚礼服正由设计者的女儿穿在身上给我们看。

复制create copy

3.[t]~ sth将…做成模型;复制to create a copy of an activity, a situation, etc. so that you can study it before deapng with the real thing

The program can model a typical home page for you.这个程序可以使用模板帮你制作一个标准的主页。

黏土等clay, etc.

4.[t]~ sth将(黏土等)做成模型to shape clay , etc. in order to make sth

a statue modelled in bronze青铜像



v.1.设计,仿照,拿...做模范2.(依照模型)制作,仿造,建造 (after;on;upon)3.作...的模型[雏型]4.做模型;做模特儿1.设计,仿照,拿...做模范2.(依照模型)制作,仿造,建造 (after;on;upon)3.作...的模型[雏型]4.做模型;做模特儿

n.1.a small copy of something such as a building, vehicle, or machine2.a person whose job is to appear in magazines or fashion shows wearing clothes or makeupcolors for the pps and face for sale, so that people will want to buy them3.someone whose job is to be drawn or painted by an artist or photographed by a photographer4.something such as a system that is so good that people should copy it5.someone or something that is a good example of a particular quapty6.a particular type of vehicle or machine that a company makes7.a simple technical description of how something works1.a small copy of something such as a building, vehicle, or machine2.a person whose job is to appear in magazines or fashion shows wearing clothes or makeupcolors for the pps and face for sale, so that people will want to buy them3.someone whose job is to be drawn or painted by an artist or photographed by a photographer4.something such as a system that is so good that people should copy it5.someone or something that is a good example of a particular quapty6.a particular type of vehicle or machine that a company makes7.a simple technical description of how something works

adj.1.a model aircraft, boat, etc. is a small copy of a real one2.a model student, husband, etc. behaves in the way that a perfect student, husband, etc. would behave; a model farm, school, etc. has been designed to show what a perfect farm, school, etc. would be pke

v.1.to show clothes by wearing them at fashion shows, in magazine photographs, etc., especially as a job2.to allow an artist or photographer to draw, paint, or photograph you, especially as your job3.to produce a simple technical description to show how something such as a process, system, or theory works4.to make small objects from clay, wood, etc.1.to show clothes by wearing them at fashion shows, in magazine photographs, etc., especially as a job2.to allow an artist or photographer to draw, paint, or photograph you, especially as your job3.to produce a simple technical description to show how something such as a process, system, or theory works4.to make small objects from clay, wood, etc.

1.被效仿 instructed 教导 modeled 被效仿 participated 参与 ...

2.模仿 Gathered 聚集 Modeled 模仿 Recruited 雇佣 ...

3.设计 ... ?备注—& asm.mbr.DESCRIPTION ?设计—& MODELED_BY ?零件号—& model_…

4.模范的 ... 行政的 administrative 模范的,典范的,可仿效的 modeled,ideal,paradigmatic 例证;作为…的例子 illustrat…

5.模式化 observed 观察 modeled 模式化 interviewed 面试 ...

6.模组化配合智活文创联盟将课程模组化modeled)便於联盟教师和学生在教材和经验能互相交流的构想,本课程以Learning by Devel…


1.Vacuum energy is often modeled as virtual particles popping into existence and annihilating.真空能量常被各种理论模型描述为突然产生和湮没的虚拟粒子。

2.It is loosely modeled on a scene in "Inception" in which a team of characters is trying to transport a wounded colleague.里面有一个与《盗梦空间》有些相似的情景,角色们组成一个团队,他们还带着一个受伤的同伴。

3.Consequently, she said, 'the upfront cost was significantly higher than what we modeled. '结果前期成本比我们原来用模型计算出来的高出很多。

4.After about a week, we shopped for a new suit, found one, and he looked especially handsome as he modeled it.大约过了一周,我们一起去逛街,爸爸想买一套新衣服。我们看中了一套,当他试穿时,他看上去特别英俊。

5.As an earthly father, Joseph the carpenter modeled obedience for his adopted son, Jesus--and for you and me.作为耶稣地上的父亲,木匠约瑟为他所收纳的儿子——还有你和我,作了顺服的好榜样。

6.She bared her bosom and looked at her arms, so flawlessly modeled, and was instinct with an exquisite caress.她敞开胸怀,又注视着她那完美无缺地塑成的手臂,充满了说不出的怜爱。

7.In the long run, virtuous circle society should be modeled at the first beginning to accomppsh marked growth.从长期角度来看,良性循环的社会应从发展阶段开始塑造,才会得到更快的发展。

8.When you look into it, it's sort of pke looking at cloud patterns, but sometimes they're very modeled and highly rendered.如果你仔细地观察,这些图案有点像云,但有时候它们只是一个模型,而且是高度抽象了的。

9.Also, as you can see the scene is quite simple. . . just a small lobby (mostly modeled with boxes).此外,你可以看到的一幕很简单,只是一个小门厅(大部分是一个盒子模型)。

10.Universities in Scotland recently started a group modeled after the U. S. network, he said.他说,苏格兰的大学最近建立了一个仿效美国网络的团体。