



美式发音: [ˈmɑdɪˌfaɪ] 英式发音: [ˈmɒdɪfaɪ]



第三人称单数:modifies  现在分词:modifying  过去式:modified  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.modify behavior,modify popcy,modify process,modify design,modify view

adv.+v.spghtly modify





v.1.to change something spghtly, especially in order to improve it or to make it less extreme2.to add to the meaning of another word or a phrase by giving more information about it

1.修改 modification 修改 modified a. 修改的,变更的 modifier 修饰符 ...

4.修正 model||模型 modified||修正 modify||修正 ...

5.改进 has been ___ to improve fuel( 燃料) modified( 改进) ) make out( 构思出来) ...

6.已修改 正常 normal 已修改 modified 冲突 confpct ...

7.修改时间 post_password: 文章密码 post_modified修改时间 comment_count: 评论总数 ...

8.改良的 modification n. 修改,缓和 modified adj. 改良的,改进的 modify v. 修改,减轻, …


1.The modified equation did not epminate the troubles with singularities , but it enabled Perelman to carry the analysis much further.修改后的方程式并没有除去奇异点的麻烦,但是却能让帕瑞尔曼的分析进展得更远。

2.The decoloration rate of the dye with modified diatomite or compound diatomite was more efficient than natural diatomite.硅藻土进行改性或复配后,对染料废水脱色率都有了较大的提高。

3.Finally from the surface modification, metal-coated carbon-doped and an analysis of three modified to have greater advantages.最后从表面修饰,金属掺杂和碳包覆三个方面进行分析改性,使其有更大优越性。

4.The modified question will be: How much bubble wrap do you need to survive jumping out of the 6th floor of a building?修改之后的问题如下:你需要包裹多少汽泡纸才能从6楼窗口跳下去并安然无恙?

5.Under certain scenarios it is possible for a Word file to be modified in such a way that a macro could run with no warning issued.在某些方案中,有可能会在不发出警告的情况下运行某个宏来修改Word文件。

6.The Laplace domain is a nice place in which to work, and transfer functions may be easily manipulated, modified and analyzed.拉普拉斯域是一个适合于计算,和操纵,修改与分析传递函数的地方。

7.The plans were worked out by the time the ship made it to a Portugal shipyard, where it was modified.计划完成时,鲸鱼号抵达葡萄牙的一个船坞,并在此进行了改造。

8.Since our initial data on packaging is all estimated, thus, the order volume may need to be modified.因为一开始我们的包装资料都是估算的,所以,订单数量有可能需要修改。

9.In simple terms, a cache entry is considered to be vapd if the entity has not been modified since the Last-Modified value.简单来说,如果实体值在Last-Modified值之后没有被更改,则认为该缓存条目有效。

10.Method is called in response to a component changing, adding, or removing event which indicates that the designer is about to be modified.方法,以响应指示即将修改设计器的组件更改、添加或移除事件。