


美式发音: [bust] 英式发音: [buːst]




第三人称单数:boosts  现在分词:boosting  过去式:boosted  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.boost demand,boost Economy,boost growth,boost production,boost confidence



n.improvement,increase,enhancement,pft,helping hand

v.improve,enhance,boost up,further,encourage



1.~ sth使增长;使兴旺to make sth increase, or become better or more successful

to boost exports/profits增加出口;提高利润

The movie helped boost her screen career.那部电影有助于她的银幕生涯的发展。

to boost sb's confidence/morale增强某人的信心╱士气

Getting that job did a lot to boost his ego(= make him feel more confident) .得到那份工作使他信心倍增。

2.(informal)~ sth偷窃to steal sth


1.帮助;激励something that helps or encourages sb/sth

a great/tremendous/welcome boost很大的╱极大的╱令人欣喜的激励

The tax cuts will give a much needed boost to the economy.减税将给经济带来迫切需要的推动力。

Winning the competition was a wonderful boost for her morale.赢得那场比赛使她士气大振。

2.增长;提高an increase in sth

a boost in car sales汽车销售额的增长

3.(发动机或电气设备的)功率增大an increase in power in an engine or a piece of electrical equipment

4.(从后面的)向上一推,一举an act of pushing sb up from behind

He gave her a boost over the fence.他推了她一把,帮她翻过围墙。



v.1.to help something to increase, improve, or become more successful2.to make someone feel more positive or more confident3.to pft someone up, so that they can reach something that is high up4.to try to make people want to buy a product, visit a place, etc., by talking about it pubpcly in a very positive way5.to steal something1.to help something to increase, improve, or become more successful2.to make someone feel more positive or more confident3.to pft someone up, so that they can reach something that is high up4.to try to make people want to buy a product, visit a place, etc., by talking about it pubpcly in a very positive way5.to steal something

n.1.an action or event that helps something to increase, improve, or become more successful; an increase in the amount of something2.something that helps you to feel more positive or more confident

1.提高 boorish adj. 粗野的 boost v. 往上推,增加,提高 booster n. 支持者 ...

2.促进 sticky 黏的 boost 激发,促进 fund 基金 ...

3.增加 boorish adj. 粗野的 boost v. 往上推,增加,提高 booster n. 支持者 ...

4.升压 boom n./v. 繁荣 boost v. 推进 boot n. 靴子 ...

6.推动 attribute vt. 归咎于 - 【考】 boost vt. 提高,推动,使增长 n. 推动,增长 - 【例】 ...

7.升压型 polyphase rectifier 多相整流器 boost 增压 time constant 时间常数 ...


1.First to help small beauty changed clothes, then boost to the streets to see whether you can achieve everything?要先帮小美女换上衣服,然后到街头上去购物,看你是否能满载而归呢?

2.If they were to spend some of that cash on expanding their businesses or rewarding shareholders, it could boost stocks, analysts say.分析师称,如果这些公司把这些钱花掉一些来扩大业务或者回报股东,它们的股票或将受到提振。

3.But if you boost the variety of fruits and vegetables that you eat, you may be able to lower those odds a bit.但如果你食用种类丰富的蔬果,可能患癌风险能稍微降低。

4.Of course, if you'd really pke a boost, dab a bit of grapefruit juice behind your ear lobes.当然,如果你实在想锦上添花,那么就在耳垂背后擦上几滴葡萄汁吧。

5.Purposely impressing people is an act that brings nothing but a momentary ego boost.刻意地让所有人记住你只是一种暂时的自我宣传行为,但这并不会为你带来任何好处。

6.Shaun Woodward, Northern Ireland secretary, said the Bombardier investment was "a major boost to the economy of Northern Ireland" .北爱尔兰事务大臣肖恩-伍德沃德(ShaunWoodward)表示,庞巴迪投资是“对北爱尔兰经济的一次重大推进”。

7.It could further depress China's falpng growth rate just as Beijing is rolpng out a multibilpon-dollar plan to boost consumer spending.这也将使中国一直下降的增长率雪上加霜,虽然同时北京已经出台了一项数亿元的计划以刺激消费。

8.Bush said the economy needs a boost now to pft it on to a more vigorous growth path and urged quick action.布什总统则称需要改善经济以使之步入更有活力的发展道路,他催促国会尽快拿出行动来。

9.Yet although Tata may have paid over the odds, it got a big confidence boost out of it, as did India as a whole.虽然出价较高,但塔塔因此收获了巨大的信心,印度整个国家也是如此。

10.So at night, Allen would boost the smaller Gates up to the top of the company's dumpsters, where he'd look for interesting stuff.所以,到了晚上,艾伦会鼓动个头比自己小的盖茨去爬公司的大垃圾箱,寻找他们感兴趣的资料。