

telegraph pole

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复数:telegraph poles  



1.(电话或电报线路的)电线杆a tall wooden pole used for carrying telephone or telegraph wires high above the ground


n.1.a telephone pole

1.电线杆 变压器 |Transformer 电线杆 |Telegraph Pole 消防栓 |FireHydrant ...

2.电杆 电子器件 electric equipment 电杆 electric pole;telegraph pole 电铃 electric bell ...

3.在电线杆 发布 在变压器 |Transformer 发布 在电线杆 |Telegraph Pole 参照图 |Reference Picture ...

4.一根笔直的电线杆在一个偏僻的村庄,一条羊肠小道(narrow meandering footpath)上有一根笔直的电线杆(telegraph pole),说也奇异,常常有人 …


1.Popce said the car failed to negotiate a bend in the road, hit the kerb, then smashed into a telegraph pole.警方说,这辆车没有谈判的道路弯曲,撞上了路缘,然后将一电线杆粉碎。

2.One of the bravest men that I ever saw was a fellow on top of a telegraph pole in the midst of a furious fire fight in Tunisia.我所见过的最勇敢的好汉,是在突尼斯一次激烈的战斗中,爬到电话竿上的一个通讯兵。

3.The children were told they could not fly a kite near a telegraph Pole.孩子们被告诫不得在电线杆附近放风筝。

4.I told the undergraduates that when Richard knocked into the telegraph pole along with his car, he died at once.我告诉学生们,当理查德(Richard)连人带车一头撞上电线杆上时,他立即一命呜呼了。

5.A car ran into a telegraph pole.汽车撞上了电线杆子。

6.The car rolled bang into the telegraph pole.汽车砰的一声撞在电线杆上。

7.I hit the telegraph pole while driving.我开车撞上了电线杆。

8.The car broke the telegraph pole on the roadside.这辆车撞毁了路边的电线杆。

9.Could you tell me the number of telegraph pole?麻烦您提供一下杆号好吗?

10.He drived so fast that he hit on the telegraph pole.他的车开的太快了,结果撞到了电线杆上