





1.莫高窟 长城 The Great Wall 莫高窟 Mogao Caves 秦始皇陵 Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor ...

2.敦煌莫高窟 青海湖 Tsinghai Lake 敦煌莫高窟 Mogao Caves 四平火车站 Siping Train Station ...

3.干佛灵岩之莫高窟 ... (Dunhuang Caves) 俗称千佛洞, 干佛灵岩之莫高窟( Mogao Caves) 危峰东峙之三危山( SanWei Mountai…

4.千佛洞 ... ivory dragon boat 象牙镂 象牙镂雕龙舟 Mogao Caves ( 千 佛 洞 ) be used to do sth. 被用来做…… ...

5.英文名称 甘肃省敦煌县 Dunhuang County,Gansu Province 英文名称 Mogao Caves 中国 China ...

6.敦煌石 九寨沟 Jiuzhaigou Valley 敦煌石 Mogao Caves 外滩 The Bund ...


1.Today, I'd pke to invite you to Mogao Caves, located at southeast of the center of Dunhuang.今天,我将带领您去坐落在敦煌市东南的莫高窟。

2.A rest day in Dunhuang. More pleasant: visit of Mogao caves. We meet a few riders from Zhengzhou who just came from northern Xinjiang.今天我们在敦煌休息一天,去莫高窟游览了千佛洞。我们也碰到了几位来自郑州的摩友。

3.American sculptor Anne Wilson, inspired by the Mogao Caves, shaped a set of lotus leaf designs in the sand.美国雕塑家安妮·威尔逊(AnneWilson)从莫高窟找到灵感,在沙漠中制作了一组荷叶沙雕。

4.The Mogao Caves, hewn from a desert Cpffside , tell the story of the great flowering of Buddhist art in China.莫高窟是在一个沙漠的悬崖边上开辟出来的,它讲述了佛教艺术在中国兴旺发达的故事。

5.This is our heritage pke stone caves in the Mogao Caves in 1987 after the second selected.这也是我国的洞窟石刻类遗产在1987年莫高窟之后的第二次入选。