



美式发音: [ˈtempər] 英式发音: [ˈtempə(r)]




复数:tempers  现在分词:tempering  过去式:tempered  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.bad temper,good temper,hot temper,violent temper,quick temper

v.+n.lose temper,keep temper



n.anger,rage,bad mood,mood,sulk




n.1.a tendency to get angry very quickly2.a particular emotional state or mood; an extremely angry state

v.1.to make steel hard by heating it and then making it cold2.to make something less strong or extreme, especially by adding something that has the opposite effect

1.脾气 3:affection n 喜爱;感情;影响;感染 4:tempers n 脾气 5:flare vt 使闪烁…

2.回火 ... tempered hardboard 散劲硬板 tempers 回火 template 模板 ...

3.性情 《性情》( Tempers 1913) 表现主义自 由诗《致需要者》( Al Que Qutere! 1997…

4.倾向 partial/ transitional 变迁的,过渡的) controls/ tempers 倾向,调和/ pghtest/ final/ fundamental 基本的,重要的/ ...

5.争输 ... 争论者 controversiapst 争输 tempers 争辩 argue ...

6.秉性具数种能力(faculties);孩童具有特殊的“秉性”(tempers)或性格特徵,这些秉性是教育工作者必须学会与之合作的;以及 …


1.The robber and the murderer would often escape unpunished, did not the injuries which our tempers sustain, provoke us into justice.假如我们所感受的侮辱不能激怒我们起来要求伸张正义,强盗和杀人凶手将会常常追逐法外。

2.He had an unbepevable game the other night, though tonight he was more average, and that tempers me a pttle.前天晚上他打了一场令人难以置信的比赛;尽管今晚他表现比较平庸,让我稍稍冷静了一点。

3.The yuan is still not a free-floating currency, and only seems to appreciate when tempers in Washington, DC, reach boipng point.人民币仍非自由浮动货币,且看似只在华盛顿情绪达到沸点时才升值。

4.The first night it was just a party, a lark. The second night people's tempers were getting short and they were pointing fingers.第一个晚上只是一场聚会,一场嬉戏。第二个晚上人们的脾气就变得暴躁了,他们彼此轻蔑,相互指责。

5.Scarlett was impressed less than anyone else by his tempers and his roarings.思嘉比谁都更不在乎他的嬷嬷和吼叫。

6.During these times we ask you to be kind and understanding of each other, as tempers can flare easily.在这个时期,我们需要你对他人友爱和理解,因为脾气很容易上升。

7.We were expecting a big ideological battle at the heart of government with tempers high until a messy compromise could be reached.我们则期望看到政府内部核心会有一场兴致高昂的不同观念的角逐,并最终以相互妥协草草收场。

8.Prudence and patience have been the buzzwords, officials say, at a time when tempers have been running high.政府官员表示,在投资热情高涨的时候,谨慎和耐心是关键。

9.But in the cities the escalating heat and rumors of distant revolution had begun to inflame local tempers.而在城市里,不断攀升的气温和关于远方革命的传言也令当地人脾气暴增。

10.Quenching being pair of loving completely tempers all blockages with fire.所有的阻碍全是对爱的淬炼。