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网络释义:火星轨道雷射测高仪(Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter);钼镧合金;火星轨道雷射高度仪




n.1.a square of brightly colored cloth, woven or sewn with reverse apppqué in traditional Central American style.

1.翻车鱼 翻车鲀属 Mola 翻车鱼 M. mola 动物界 Animapa ...

2.火星轨道雷射测高仪(Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter)rbiter Camera (MOC), the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA), Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES), as well as a magnet…

3.钼镧合金ynek),筛选「国家航空暨太空总署」(NASA)火星轨道雷射高度仪MOLA)在1990年代末期拍摄,以及欧美卫星基地监 …

5.激光测高仪 科: 翻车魨科 Mopdae 属: 翻车魨属 Mola 种: 翻车鱼 M. mola ...

7.软 moki 5 嘲笑,奚落 mola 5 momento 4 片刻,瞬间 ...


1.The Mola mola, or Giant Sunfish. It looks pke a massive swimming head, but can move with surprising speed, thanks to its large fins .翻车鱼或大翻车鱼。它看起来像一个巨大的会游泳的头,但因鳍很大,所以可以惊人的速度游动。

2.You truly can swim up to a Mola, they're very gentle, and if you approach them right, you can give them a scratch and they enjoy it.你真的可以游到翻车鱼身边,它们很温和,如果你靠近得当,你就能给它们抓抓痒,它们会很享受。

3.And that's actually what drew me to the Mola in the first place, was this terribly bizarre shape.实际上,让我对翻车鱼感兴趣的首要原因,就是这种即为奇怪的形状。

4.And that predator is the giant ocean sunfish, the Mola mola, whose primary prey are jellyfish.这个捕食者就是翻车鱼,Molamola它们的主要食物就是水母。

5.This image was generated the by Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter, or MOLA, an instrument that was aboard NASA's Mars Global Surveyor.这张图片是由NASA得火星探测器上的火星轨道激光测高仪(MOLA)拍摄生成的。

6.A giant ocean sunfish, or mola mola, cruises slowly through the water column.一条巨型翻车鱼,又叫做molamola,缓慢的穿越水柱。

7.High temperature molybdenum bars Mola.高温钼条。

8.We were served a nine-course meal of Mola after we tagged.有一条翻车鱼在做了标记后不久,就被做成菜招待我们。

9.And it just so happens that's a parasite hanging off the Mola.那就像挂在翻车鱼身上的寄生虫一样。

10.And lots of generations, lots of tweaking and torquing, and we turn our puffer into the Mola.我们要到远海去。经过无数个世代,不断地调整和扭转,河豚终于成了翻车鱼的样子。