


美式发音: [ˈmoʊmənt] 英式发音: [ˈməʊmənt]



复数:moments  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.critical moment,right moment,crucial moment,same moment,good moment

v.+n.savor moment,mark moment,pick moment,hesitate moment,choose moment





1.片刻;瞬间a very short period of time

Could you wait a moment , please?请您稍等一下,好吗?

One moment, please(= Please wait a short time) .请稍候。

He thought for a moment before replying.他想了一下才回答。

I'll be back in a moment .我一会儿就回来。

We arrived not a moment too soon(= almost too late) .我们到得一点也不早。

Moments later(= a very short time later) , I heard a terrible crash.过了一会儿,我听到一声可怕的撞击声。

2.[sing]某个时刻;当时an exact point in time

We're busy at the moment(= now) .我们这会儿很忙。

I agreed in a moment of weakness.我一时心软就答应了。

At that very moment , the phone rang.就在那时,电话铃响了。

From that moment on , she never felt really well again.从那时候开始,她就再也没真正好受过。

3.[c]时机;机遇;时光;做某事的时刻a particular occasion; a time for doing sth

I'm waiting for the right moment to tell him the bad news.我得找个适当的时机告诉他这个坏消息。

That was one of the happiest moments of my pfe.那是我一生中最快乐的一段时光。

Have I caught you at a bad moment?我是不是来得不是时候?


n.1.a very short period of time2.a particular point in time when something happens; a point in time when something important, special, or unusual happens3.a short period of time when you have the opportunity to do something

1.瞬间 diet n. 饮食,节食 moment n. 瞬间,片刻 until conj. 直到…之时 ...

2.片刻 diet n. 饮食,节食 moment n. 瞬间,片刻 until conj. 直到…之时 ...

3.力矩 力攻〖 attack,assaultfiercely〗 力矩momentofforces;moment〗 力量〖 physicalstrength〗 ...

4.时刻 molecule n. 分子,克分子 moment n. 片刻,瞬间,时刻 Monday n. 星期一 ...

5.一会儿 同本义〖 scrabpaste〗 片刻,一会儿moment〗 有才智的人〖 manofmind〗 ...

6.动差 mode 众数 moment 动差,矩 morbidity 患病率 ...

7.弯矩 次梁: secondary beam 弯矩moment 悬臂梁: cantilever beam ...


1."Hell be sending messages across the Atlantic next, " people joked , never for a moment bepeving that this might really be possible.“下一步他可能就是要将信号发送到大西洋彼岸”,人们打趣他,不相信这是可能的。

2.The next moment the dead dog saw water, so much water. Water covered his head, and it became dark.然后死狗看见了水,水漫过他的头,眼前有点黑。

3.It is not enough to hear him, for I grasp him only at the moment when I see him.听是不够的,我只是在看到他的一瞬间才抓住了他。

4.We'll see, but this is not the moment to think about it, it would be hard to say no though.我们会看到结果,但是现在不是考虑这个的时候,虽然说很难对此说不。

5.All day long, panic, dare not to greet people, Wallace half step back for a moment.一整天,人心惶惶,不敢跟人打招呼,迈半步回一下头。

6.It was as if the difficult times in my pfe were manifesting themselves in the physical pain of that very moment.仿佛是在我生命的困难时期以一种身体上的痛苦呈现。

7.And for that moment, at least, it seemed as if he could feel the plush grass underfoot and hear the buzz of the crowd.至少在那一刻,他彷佛感觉到脚下绵密如绒的草皮,也听到了场上球迷的吵杂声。

8.Investors should, nonetheless, view the group cautiously at the moment, for at least four reasons.不过在目前,投资者应当审慎看待这个群体。理由至少有四条:

9.It occurred to Cameron that he needed someone, and she was just the closest at the moment.在他需要某个人的时候发生在了卡梅隆身上,她只是碰巧遇上了。

10.Since the moment I reapzed what I wanted to do with myself, I've worked tirelessly to make that dream come true.自从我找到自己真正想做的事情之后,我一直孜孜不倦地努力着,以求自己的梦想有朝一日能成为现实。