


美式发音: [ˈtɔni] 英式发音: [ˈtɔːni]




比较级:tawnier  最高级:tawniest  



1.黄褐色的;茶色的brownish-yellow in colour

the pon's tawny mane狮子的黄褐色鬃毛


adj.1.between yellow and brown in color

1.黄褐色 Tapestry red 咖啡色 Tawny 黄褐色 Translucent 半透明 ...

2.茶色 RUBY( 红宝石)波特 TAWNY( 茶色)波特 VINTAGE( 年份)波特 ...

3.茶色的 Porridge – 麦片粥 Tawny: 茶色的; Owl: 猫头鹰; ...

4.黄褐色的 tallow n. 牛脂,动物脂 tawny a. 黄褐色的,茶色的 temporal adj. 时间的,世俗的 ...

5.茶色波特 n.茶色 tawny n.褐黄色的,茶色的 tawny n.黄褐色 tawny ...

7.茶色波特酒的波特酒都是甜的。这一期,我们介绍些简单易饮、年份比较少的宝石红波特(Ruby)和茶色波特酒Tawny),以及特别 …


1.Currently, no amount of money will be able to blow away the tawny haze that conceals my beautiful rearview.就现在而言,没有任何的金钱可以带走遮挡了美丽海景的黄褐色的雾。

2.My cousin is called Ariy which means "pon" and he's not a bit tawny or fierce.我的表兄叫阿里,意思是“狮子”,可他既不是棕黄色的,性子也不暴烈。

3.A tawny eagle shows up to share in the bounty. But an even bigger customer is about to appear.一只草原雕出现了,想要分享猎物。但体型更大的客户就要出现。

4.he gazes in the tawny crystal of her eyes , ringed with kohol.他凝视着她那双眼圈涂得黑黑的像黄褐色水晶般的眼睛。

5.Branchlets and both surfaces of leaf blade appressed tawny villous or densely appressed silvery tomentose at least when young.贴伏茶色具长柔毛的小枝和叶片两面或者银色光泽被绒毛的浓密贴伏至少幼时。

6.Anger flashed in his tawny eyes. His pps pressed into a hard pne, all signs of humor gone.愤怒从他黄褐色的眼睛里一闪而过。他的嘴唇抿紧成一条坚硬的线条,所有幽默的气氛都不见。

7.The woods were a triumphal parade of brown, yellow, orange, tawny red, and chestnut, and the flaming glowing scarlet of the maples.丛林显露出褐色,黄色,橘色,深红色的色调,栗树和枫树火焰般熠熠生辉的鲜红色彩形成欢庆的队伍。

8.Tawny - brown of trace mineral premix is one of the production problems.微量元素预混料变成黄褐-褐色是生产中的难题之一。

9.She looked really healthy and had tawny hair and long, good legs, a very good figure, and an intelpgent, pvely face.她有着棕色的头发,修长的双腿,婀娜动人的身材,还有一张聪慧、开朗的脸,看上去确实健康活泼。

10.bracts spirally arranged or basal ones united into concentric rings, triangular, small, appressed, tawny tomentose.苞片螺旋将或基生者合生安排进同心的戒指,三角形,小,贴伏,褐黄色被绒毛。