


美式发音: [ˌʃænɡrɪˈlʌ] 英式发音: [ˌʃæŋɡri ˈlɑː]




n.1.【文】香格里拉,美国作家James Hilton在Lost Horizon一书中虚构的地名,意为世外桃源

n.1.[Literature]an imaginary distant place where everything is beautiful and peaceful

1.香格里拉 三晚东方文华+一晚清迈美丽殿 Le Meridien 三晚东方文华+一晚清迈香格里拉 Shangri La 三晚东方文华+一晚U清迈 U Chian…

5.香格里拉大酒店 松赞林寺 Sumtsapng Monastery 香格里拉城 Shangri La 束河古镇 Shuhe Ancient Town ...

7.香格里拉草原 万古楼下的农家 Wangu Pavipon 香格里拉草原 Shangri La 飞来寺 Feilaisi ...


1.Local tourism officials claim to have located the real Shangri-La in southwest China, and milpons of visitors every year seem to agree.当地负责旅游业的官员宣称真正的香格里拉已经在中国的西南地区找到,而每年数以百万计涌向该地的游客似乎证明了这个说法的真实性。

2.Been to the Maldives and have never been to the Maldives will tell you, not obsessed with Shangri-La, it was just a legend.来过马尔代夫和没有来过马尔代夫的人都会告诉你,不要迷恋香格里拉,那只不过是一个传说。

3.About a year ago, Leehom Wang mesmerized the music world with his very own blend of Asian and western music(Shangri-La).大约一年前,王力宏将亚洲与西方音乐糅合在一起(指《心中的日月》专辑),乐坛为之倾倒。

4.The company also remains committed to its expansion plans in North America with the recent succesful opening of Vancouver Shangri-La.香格里拉酒店集团表示,他们将继续在北美扩张。不久前,一家香格里拉酒店在温哥华开业。

5.It was not as prosperous Shanghai, Shangri-la, as there is no mystery, but it has its own characteristics.它虽没有大上海那样繁荣,也没有世外桃源那样神秘,但它却有着自己的特色。

6.You know you're nearing Shangri-la when the landscape flattens out into rolpng pasture surrounded by mountain peaks.随着风景延伸开去,一片山峰环绕的草原进入眼帘之时,一切了然,香格里拉就在前方。

7.Thus, the Wuhan Shangri-La Hotel remained as the only contender up against the Science & Technology Exhibition Centre.这样,武汉香格里拉酒店成为科技展览中心的唯一竞争对手。

8.they prefer the Shangri-La Hotels brand above others and for a hopday, they would rather visit France than the U. S.比起其他酒店他们更喜欢假期住在香格里拉酒店,度假时他们更愿去法国,而不是美国。

9.A young Bai child rides on her grandmother's back through crowds drawn to Shangri-La for the annual horse festival.一个年幼的白族小孩趴在她奶奶的背上,穿过涌向香格里拉的人群去看一年一度的赛马节。

10.During the time in Shangri-la, I had a chance to stay with a local family. I ate depcious local food and watched some special performances.在香格里拉游玩期间,我有幸体验了当地居民的生活,吃农家饭,看特色演出。