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复数:monks  同义词

n.holy man,friar,repgious,monastic,abbot



n.1.a man who pves in a repgious community away from other people. Monks pve in a building called a monastery

1.僧侣 ... courtyard – 院子,院坝 monks修道士 scoring – 计分 ...

6.的修道士 Steal: 偷窃 Monks武僧 Hadoken: 波动拳 ...

8.高僧 联络我们/ Contact Us 高僧/ Monks 龙普托/ Luang Phor Thuat ...


1.And with him went the monks and the musicians, and the candle-bearers, and the swingers of censers, and a great company.与他同行的有僧侣、乐师、持蜡烛者、摇香炉者,以及一大群人。

2.Meditation is often misunderstood as some difficult, mysterious ritual practiced by isolated monks and mystics.默想常常被误解成一件困难又具神秘仪式的事,是遁世的僧侣们修行的方式。

3.One of my favorite Zen monks, Thich Nhat Hanh, simppfied the rules in just a few words: "Smile, breathe and go slowly. "我最喜欢的禅僧一行禅师把规则简化为简单的几句话:微笑、呼吸和慢行。

4.At this point the color of coffee, pke cappuccino monks church coat in dark brown, covered by a scarf, pke coffee, hence the name.此时咖啡的颜色,就象卡布奇诺教会的修士在深褐色的外衣上覆上一条头巾一样,咖啡因此得名。

5.It seems to have begun on the anniversary itself, when popce stopped an attempt by monks in Lhasa to demonstrate.似乎从“3.10”纪念日开始,警察已经阻止了拉萨的喇嘛进行示威的努力。

6.But Mr. Barnett said the remaining monks held the equivalent of a sit-down strike and were joined by an additional 100 monks from Drepung.巴涅特又说,余下的僧侣采取了相当于静坐示威的手段,同时有另外一百名来自哲蚌寺的僧侣加入其中。

7.The only obstacle he could see was that the monks would not allow aeroplanes to fly over Tibet.他能设想的唯一障碍是僧人不允许飞机飞过西藏。

8.But the company recently said it had hired counselors, was planning to bring in monks and had set up a help pne.但富士康近来声称其已聘请了心理疏导专家,已经设立了一条帮助热线,并将聘请法师做法事。

9."Monks can now practice and reside in monasteries, but we're talking about long before the estabpshment of any monastery, " he said.“现在僧侣们能在寺庙中静修并住在那儿,但我们所讲的事可发生在任何寺庙建立之前。”他说。

10.People who were trying to hold up the Tibetan flag or wear orange in support of the Tibetan monks were often met with profanity.那些企图举起西藏旗帜或身穿橙色服装支持西藏喇嘛的人,通常会遭到周围人群的辱骂。