




1.斯托尔滕贝格德门(Seidman)、史碧娃克(Spivak)、史托腾柏格(Stoltenberg)、维克斯(Weeks)、惠特尔(Whittle)、渥芙(Wolf)、沃斯通克拉 …

3.挪威总理史托登柏格 ... 施托尔法 Stolfa 施托尔滕贝格 Stoltenberg 施托尔滕霍夫 Stoltenhoff ...

5.施托尔滕贝尔格达前一个礼拜,被告知将可与欧巴马单独会面35分钟的挪威总理斯腾贝尔(Stoltenberg),即兴奋地征询同僚到底要怎麽好好利 …

7.史托坦伯格太区第一级最后直落3输球,当时是由第一点陈志荣对上史托坦伯格(Stoltenberg),第二点伍德瑞奇 (WOODBRIDGE) 收拾左 …


1.Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg said many people were still looking for their children and had not so far been able to locate them.延斯·斯托尔滕贝格首相说很多人仍然在寻找他们的孩子,但是至今还没有能发现他们。

2.Earper, Mr Stoltenberg said the country had been "shaken by evil" but would not be cowed by terrorism.早些时候,斯托尔滕贝格曾表示,虽然受到“恶魔的冲击”,但挪威不会被恐怖主义吓倒。

3.Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg was not in his office at the time of the blast and was not hurt, officials said.在爆炸的时候挪威总统并没有在他的办公室,所以没有受伤,官员们说道

4.During his press conference this evening, Mr Stoltenberg said the authorities still did not know who is responsible for the attacks.今天傍晚斯托尔滕贝格在其新闻发布会上表示,当局仍然不清楚谁要为这些袭击负责。

5.Why is Mr Stoltenberg so anxious to stop Norwegians using gas for heating and cooking, and yet happy for Britons to do so?为什么斯托尔伯格先生如此焦急地要制止挪威人使用天然气供暖与烹饪食物,而又非常高兴英国人这样做?

6.Mr Stoltenberg said civil servants were among the dead in Oslo and he knew some of those killed.斯托尔滕贝格首相介绍在奥斯陆爆炸中的死亡人员中有公职人员,他认识其中的几个遇难者。

7.Until 2008, Stoltenberg and his wife, Ingrid, pved, pke others in their position before them, in their regular home.和以前的首相一样,斯托尔滕贝格和妻子英格里就住在他们平常的房子里,直到2008年搬家。

8.The Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg said the Norwegian people would find their way through the darkness.挪威首相延斯·斯托尔滕贝格(JensStoltenberg)表示,挪威人民一定能够找到走出黑暗的道路。

9.Norway's Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg in his address said several times he found the horror of the past few days "incomprehensible" .挪威首相斯托尔滕贝格在讲话中多次提及,他发现过去几天的恐怖是“令人费解的”。

10.Prime Minister Stoltenberg (back to camera) meets with victims today as he arrives at a hotel close the island.首相斯托尔滕贝格(Stoltenberg,背对镜头者)今天在距离于特岛附近的一家酒店接见幸存者。