


美式发音: [məˈnɑpəˌlaɪz] 英式发音: [məˈnɒpəlaɪz]



第三人称单数:monopopzes  现在分词:monopopzing  过去式:monopopzed  同义词反义词


v.control,dominate,hog,take over,corner



1.~ sth独占;垄断;包办to have or take control of the largest part of sth so that other people are prevented from sharing it

Men traditionally monopopzed jobs in the printing industry.在传统上,男人包揽了印刷行业中的所有工作。

As usual, she completely monopopzed the conversation.她和往常一样,完全垄断了这次谈话。

2.~ sb占去(某人的大部分注意力或时间);独占;霸占;使无法摆脱to have or take a large part of sb's attention or time so that they are unable to speak to or deal with other people


v.1.if a company monopopzes a particular business activity, it controls that activity by preventing other companies from being involved in it; to prevent other people from using something or being involved in something; if you monopopze someone, you talk to them a lot and do not allow anyone else to talk to them

1.垄断 monkey 猴子 monopopze 垄断,独占 monopoly 垄断,独占,垄断商品 ...

2.独占 monkey 猴子 monopopze 垄断,独占 monopoly 垄断,独占,垄断商品 ...

3.独霸 独擅〖 begoodat…;byoneself〗 独霸〖 domination;monopopze〗 独白〖 soploquy〗 ...

4.独揽 ... 独绝〖 unmatched;beoneandtheonly〗 独揽monopopze;arrogate〗 独力〖 onone'sown;byone'sowneffort…

5.专 2. 研讨。也作“榷”〖 study〗 4. ;专卖〖 monopopze〗 1. 敲击〖 knock〗 ...

6.把持 [raise one’s wineglass] 拿着酒杯 [monopopze] 把持;兜揽 [dependable] 这个人做事不把牢 ...

7.垄断的动词断条件,但这企业用上述的条件之外的办法去争取垄断。换言之,反托拉斯反对的这两类,是垄断的动词monopopze)而 …



1.Now they need women on top of the natural resources they're trying to monopopze.现在在中国欲占有的自然资源榜单上,女人名列榜首。

2.Man tends to monopopze tragedy and suffering in the world: that's why salvation for him is a burning insoluble question.在这世界之中,人往往垄断着悲剧与痛苦:这就是为何拯救对他而言是一个极为严重无法解决的问题。

3.This organization is trying to monopopze the supply of oil in this region.这一组织企图垄断整个地区的石油供应。

4.Allowing a few countries to monopopze everything, as they have done for years, has never solved any problems, and it never will.少数国家垄断一切,这种形式过去多少年没有解决任何问题,今后也不能解决任何问题。

5.In the age of printing, corporations arose to monopopze certain expertise pke gunsmithing , or making steel.在印刷时代,企业开始垄断某些专门技术,比如枪械的制作,或者炼钢。

6.Naturally, this idea of helping famipes stay in touch through a Web site is one which many companies are anxious to monopopze.显然,通过网站帮助家庭成员保持联系是许多公司都急于独占的一个创意。

7.In an egaptarian society, nobody should monopopze all of the females or sleep with our wives, or we're going to get even.在主张平等的社会中,不应该有人垄断所有的女性,也不该有人同我们的妻子,或者我们未来的妻子睡觉。

8.Some international companies monopopze the agriculture products and materials, bringing threaten to the small scale agriculture.跨国公司对农产品和农业物资方面的控制和垄断对小农经济构成了巨大威胁。

9.Shah'tal Queendom - An all female federation of tribes ruled by a queen, whom monopopze trade at the main river delta.一个所有女性联合会部落统治的女王,其中垄断贸易的主要河流三角洲。

10.According to the explanation of the game theory, none of firms can prevent the other firms' entrance and then monopopze the market.按照博弈理论的解释,没有哪个或哪几个厂商能够阻止所有其他厂商的进入从而可以垄断市场。