


美式发音: [ˈwɜrkˌdeɪ] 英式发音: [ˈwɜː(r)kˌdeɪ]






1.工作日(一天中的工作时间)the part of a day during which you work

an 8-hour workday8 小时工作日


n.1.the period of time you work in one day2.a day of the week when people have to work

1.工作日 expedition n. 远征;探险队 workday n. 一天的工作时间;工作日 woozy adj. 眩晕的;虚弱的 ...

2.工作日公司 ... 4.15 SECOND 函数:提取秒数函数 66 4.16 WORKDAY 函数:工作日函数 68 4.17 NETWORKDAYS 函数…

5.工作日的日期 ... 18.WEEKNUM( 序列号,类型)☆☆ 19.WORKDAY( 开始日期,天数,假日)☆ 21.YEARFRAC( 开始日期. …

7.工作天数工作天/预计工作天)。工期 (Duration)之工作天累算资料包括计入工作天数(Workday)、预计工作天、累计工作天、剩余工期、 …


1.The result of the Haymarket Riot was that the eight-hour-workday movement came to be seen as "radical. "干草市暴乱的结果使得一天八小时的工作时数变得太过于激进。

2.It's easy to let something spp: from Internet problems to a sick kid, there are many issues that will disrupt a workday at home.让某些人离开不是一件难事,无论是由于网络问题还是因为家里有一个生病的孩子,有很多的事情会导致在家的工作被打断。

3.Despite feepng tired at the end of her workday, one mom began playing basketball with her teenage son because he seemed withdrawn.尽管在一天工作之后感觉疲惫,一位妈妈还是会和她十几岁的儿子打篮球,因为他看来有些沉默寡言。

4.With teams in different time zones, companies can reapze a longer workday with what is often called "follow the sun" development.有了在不同时区的团队,公司可以利用经常被称为“跟随太阳”的开发来实现更长的工作日。

5.It is commuting, not the total length of the workday, that matters, he found.ThomasJamesChristian发现,是乘车上下班影响着我们,而非工作日的总时间。

6.It was the end of the workday , with the sunset burning across the mountain, and the sky shining pke copper.一天的劳动结束了,夕阳的余辉映照山岭,把天空染成一片古铜色。

7.How interesting, I thought. They've come to campus on a workday, all the way from Austin, just to hang out with some new friends.多有意思,我想道,他们在工作日大老远从奥斯汀到校园来只是跟一些新朋友打发时光。

8.Every workday is going to start with a huddle at 9am and a plan for the day's activities and an intensive six hours of work.每个工作日将在9点集合并计划一天6个小时的高强度工作。

9.I am usually able to maintain calm and focus in the midst of a workday, but the last two days put my abipties to a test.通常在一个工作日中间我还能头脑清醒,精神集中。但是,最后两天对我来说真是一个挑战。

10.If there is a workday ahead of you, stick to tasks that are quick and easy to handle.如果今天是个工作日,那么就集中精力处理一些可以快速完成的简单任务。