


美式发音: [mɒnz] 英式发音: [mɒnz]

n.man 的变体;孟族人;孟族语




n.1.man 的变体2.孟族人3.孟族语

n.1.a fleshy body part that sticks out, especially the one formed by a pad of flesh at the juncture of the pubic bones.

un.1.historic city in southwestern Belgium, situated about 48 km (30 mi) southwest of Brussels.

1.蒙斯 minor planets 次级行星 mons neutrino 中微子 ...

5.孟人 Brussels 比利时 布鲁塞尔 Mons 比利时 蒙斯 Tournai 比利时 图尔奈 ...

7.蒙斯-选自现代卷 Monrovia 蒙罗维亚 Mons 蒙斯-选自现代卷 Mont Cenis 塞尼山口 ...



1.He said you were representing them for the Mini- Mons .他说你们为他们代理迷你小怪物。

2.I for one look forward to enjoying a "Vostok" atop Mars' Olympus Mons (but I promise to recycle the empties).我本人就期待着在火星的奥林珀斯山顶上享用一杯“东方号”啤酒(但我保证回收利用空瓶)。

3.And the first pic of this step is to take actually against these. . mons. . . these terrorists.而这一步的实际上就是对付这些怪物…这些恐怖分子。

4.Here is some picture of Antarctica and a picture of Olympus Mons, very similar features, glaciers.这是南极和OlympusMons的一些照片,非常相似的特性,冰川。

5.They met the advancing German army at Mons , a town in southern Belgium, and heavily outnumbered were soon forced to retreat.英国远征军奉命到比利时,在比利时南部蒙斯市遇上挺进的德军,寡不敌众,不久就被迫撤退。

6.I also signed several Memoranda of Notification (MONs) authorizing the CIA to use lethal force to apprehend bin Laden.我还签署了许多《通知备忘录》,授权中情局使用致命武力来抓捕本·拉登。

7.The unusual hole pictured above was found on the slopes of the giant Martian volcano Arsia Mons .上面这张照片中那个不平常洞穴是在火星上巨大的阿尔西亚山火的侧翼上发现的。

8.There' d probably be a movie one day called, "Gun Fight on Olympus Mons. "没准哪一天会有一部电影叫做“奥林匹斯山上的决斗”。

9.ObjectiveDiscuss cpnical effect of a treatment method of mons pubis scar.目的:探索一种治疗阴阜瘢痕方法的临床疗效。

10.If our calculations are confirmed, Mons Malapert would offer great advantages for estabpshing a permanent foothold on the Moon.如果我们的侧算得到证实,那么马拉佩尔高低将会为在月球上建设永久性基地提供极为有利的条件。