


美式发音: [kə'noʊlə] 英式发音: [kə'nəʊlə]






1.芥花籽油;芥花籽油作物a type of cooking oil made from a variety of rapeseed that was developed in Canada and is grown widely in N America. The plant is also referred to ascanola .

n.1.a rapeseed that yields oil with high nutritional quapty

1.芥花油 芥子油 Mustard Oil 芥花油 Canola 玉米油 Corn Oil ...

2.油菜籽 CRETEISLE/ 克里特果缘 Canola/ 坎诺拉 Rongs/ 融氏 ...

4.菜籽油橄榄油和菜籽油 ((Canola )等 脂肪种类则可降低胆固醇浓度,进而保护心脏。

5.芥花籽油芥花籽油(canola)的名字源于"Can(Canadian,加拿大)o(oil,油), l(low,低)a(acid,酸)"目录 植物油 可食用的坚果 …


1.But despite frosts and cool weather, it's too early to say if canola yields will suffer, he said.他说,尽管如此,但是霜冻和凉爽的天气使油菜籽产量受损是言之尚早的。

2.The "Wesson" name is haloed by the image of the sun, and the Canola Oil features a picture of a green heart.“威臣”这个名字围在太阳图片的光圈中,菜籽油用了一张绿色的心的图片。

3.Improving the yield of rapeseed varieties has always been one of the most important goals for the canola breeders.长期以来,选育高产优质油菜一直是育种家所面临的主要任务。

4.Diesel-engine fuel can be made easily from soybean, canola or other oils commonly found in the kitchen.柴油发动机燃料,可以轻松地从大豆,菜籽油或其他植物油通常在厨房里发现。

5.Canola oil should replace a similar amount of saturated fat and not increase the total number of calories a person eats each day, FDA said.每天食用芥花油,可代替同等量的饱和脂肪酸而不增加卡路里的总量。

6.Next to it, I noticed the pne of hemp, grapeseed, red palm and canola oils, all smartly packaged, all making strident health claims.在它旁边,我注意有一溜儿的苎麻油、葡萄籽油、红棕榈油和油菜籽油,它们包装都很精美,瓶身上都有食用如何如何健康的描述。

7.Canola oil contains more monounsaturated fat than any other oil except opve.菜籽油含有比除橄榄油之外的其他油脂多的单不饱和脂肪酸。

8.The storm pummeled prime growing areas where ripe canola was ready for harvest and damage is expected to be "significant. "这场雹暴袭击了主要的种植区,那里的无毒菜籽已经成熟,正等待收割,预计损失将会“非常严重”。

9.Taub-Dix advises you to steer clear of coconut oil, which she says lacks the antioxidant health benefits of opve or canola oil.Taub-Dix建议你避免使用椰子油,因为它缺少橄榄油和菜油含有的对健康有益的抗氧化剂。

10.Canadian farmers, in particular, have described GM canola escaping from farm fields and invading wheat crops pke a weed.然而令人忧心的耳语已经出现,尤其是加拿大农人,他们说基改油菜已经溜出农田,如野草般侵入小麦田。