


美式发音: [mʌnθ] 英式发音: [mʌnθ]

n.月;月份;约 30 天的时间;一个月的时间





1.[c]月;月份any of the twelve periods of time into which the year is divided, for example May or June

the month of August八月份

We're moving house next month .我们下个月搬家。

She earns $1 000 a month .她每月赚 1 000 元。

The rent is £300 per month .租金是每月 300 英镑。

Have you read this month's ‘Physics World’?你看过这个月的《物理世界》吗?

Prices continue to rise month after month(= over a period of several months) .近几个月价格持续上升。

Her anxiety mounted month by month(= as each month passed) .她的焦虑之情逐月加重。

2.[c]约 30 天的时间;一个月的时间a period of about 30 days, for example, 3 June to 3 July

The baby is three months old.这婴儿三个月大了。

a three-month-old baby三个月大的婴儿

They pved in Toronto during their first few months of marriage.他们婚后的头几个月住在多伦多。

several months later几个月以后

a six-month contract一份六个月的合约

a month-long strike长达一个月的罢工

He visits Paris once or twice a month.他一个月去一两次巴黎。

3.[pl]数月;很长时间a long time, especially a period of several months

He had to wait for months for the visas to come through.他不得不等好几个月才领到签证。

It will be months before we get the results.我们要等很长时间才能得到结果。


n.1.one of the 12 periods that a year is divided into, such as January, February, etc.2.a period of about four weeks3.a long time

1.月 birthday n. 生日 month n. ;月份 January n. 一月;正月 ...

2.月份 birthday n. 生日 month n. 月;月份 January n. 一月;正月 ...

3.一个月的时间 monument n. 纪念物,纪念碑,纪念馆;遗迹 month n. 月份;一个月的时间 monsieur n. 先生(法语) ...

4.本月 视频/ video 本月/ month 冷笑话大使/ user/583 ...

5.月份全名 "yday" 本年的第几天(数字) "month" 月份全名 yyyy year 年 ...

6.取得该周期的月份 DAY 取得该周期的日期 MONTH 取得该周期的月份 LN 求自然对数 ...

例句释义:,,月份,约 30 天的时间,一个月的时间,本月,月份全名,取得该周期的月份

1.I made him a bed in my study, and then went to bed myself, happier than I had been for the past month.我在书房给他铺了一张床,然后就自己回去睡觉,感到一个月来从没这么高兴过。

2.Oh, in a few weeks. I'm only away for a short time. I'll be back in Beijing soon - around the end of the month.B噢,几个星期以后。我只离开一小段时间。我很快就回北京来——大约在月底的时候。

3.Your burn rate is the amount of money you lose each month trying to get a business started.你的消耗率就是你试图创业时所失去的金钱。

4.But it's safe to say that he probably made a year's salary in the three-month long marriage.不过,保险的说,他大概至少从这三个月长的婚姻中赚得了一年的工资吧。

5.Though the Fed does not expect deflation, last month it did say that "inflation could persist for a time below" optimal levels.虽然美联储并不希望通货紧缩出现,但上个月它确实说过,低于最佳水平的“通货膨胀率可能会持续一段时间”。

6.Finally, more than a month after the shipwreck, they were forced to beach themselves on what was then known as the Great Sandy Island.在海难发生后一个多月,他们终于被迫登上当时被称为“大沙岛”的海岸。

7.Lamed with a bad leg, Melville became separated from his companion and spent a month alone in the company of the natives.Lamed一个坏腿,梅尔维尔成为脱离他的同伴,并花了一个月仅在该公司的本地人。

8.Lo and behold, about a month later, the monkeys with the new L-opsin gene were able to see hues they'd never seen before.令人惊喜的是,一个月左右以后,这些拥有L视觉蛋白基因的猴子们能够看到以前它们从没看到过的颜色。

9.D'you know what? I make more in a week than yous fuckers earn in a month. Here.你知道么?在这里我在一个星期赚的就比你们这些笨蛋一个月还多。

10.Just last month, the chief executive officer of local nonprofit Greenpghts traded up to a bigger home for his growing family.就在上月,他购置了一套大房子,满足家庭成员增多的需要。