


美式发音: [ˈbʊkˌkeɪs] 英式发音: ['bʊk.keɪs]






1.书架;书柜a piece of furniture with shelves for keeping books on


n.1.a piece of furniture with shelves in it for putting books on

1.书柜 dresser n. 梳妆台 bookcase n. 书橱;书柜 sofa n. 沙发 ...

2.书架 make (产品的)牌号 bookcase 书橱,书架 hammer 锤子 ...

3.书橱 dresser n. 梳妆台 bookcase n. 书橱;书柜 sofa n. 沙发 ...

4.书箱 dresser 梳妆台,碗柜 bookcase 书橱,书箱 sofa 沙发 ...

5.书厨 书痴〖 bookworm〗 书厨,书橱〖 bookcase〗 书档〖 bookend〗 ...

6.书架,书柜 make v. 做,制造,使; bookcase n. 书架,书柜 272 hammer n. 锤,榔头; ...

7.书橱,书架 L37 make v. 做 L37 bookcase n. 书橱,书架 L37 hammer n. 锤子 ...

8.书柜的尺寸4 书柜的尺寸(bookcase)5 树的双中心(median)6 园丁的烦恼(tree)7 最小生成树(MST)8 巴士路线(bus)9 宝石纪念币(coin)10 会 …


1.His bookcase with glass doors was the only piece of furniture which he had kept beyond what was strictly indispensable.他的一个玻璃书柜是他保留下来的唯一不属于那些非有不可的家具之列的。

2.A simple beanbag chair or other cozy chair, a small table with a reading lamp and a small bookcase are all that is needed.一个简单的懒骨头沙发,或者舒适惬意的椅子,一张放着台灯的小桌子和一个小书架。

3.There was no desk, no bookcase, not even a table, only the nasty couch, with a typewriter on another milk crate in front of it.既没有写字台,也没有书柜,甚至连一张桌子都没有。只有一个肮脏的沙发,还有摆在它前面的另一个牛奶箱,以及那上面的一台打字机。

4.He took a book from the bookcase and began to read.他从书架上拿下一本书就开始读起来了。

5.With space being at such a premium in crowded cities, an upstart young designer has devised a bookcase that transforms into a bed.在如此拥挤,房价如此高的城市,一位新近设计师创造了一款能将书架变形成床的东西。

6.On another shelf of my bookcase I even had a brick I found on the playground at my elementary school.在书架的另外一层甚至还摆着一块砖头,那还是我上小学的时候在操场上拾回来的。

7.the red bookcase is from ikea. it's filled with photography books, magazines, old cameras and a few of my favorite vinyl figures.宜家买的红色书柜,里面摆了摄影书籍,杂志,老式相机还有一些我非常喜欢的乙烯小人。

8.Those precious books had been put inside the bookcase that has the door, also not be afraid of again make dust flyblown .那些珍贵的书籍已经放在有门的书柜内,再也不怕让尘埃弄脏了。

9.My dad had a penchant for buying books. But there was a pmited number of so-called "orthodox" books put in the bookcase.我父亲喜欢买书,但放在书架上的书有限,属于“正统”一类;

10.Mr Dombey turned his head away, and going slowly to the bookcase, and unlocking it, brought back a book to read.董贝先生把头转开,慢慢地走向书橱,打开它,取出一本书来阅读。