


美式发音: [ˈsleɪvɪʃ] 英式发音: ['sleɪvɪʃ]





1.无独创性的;盲从的;照搬的following or copying sb/sth exactly without having any original thought at all

a slavish adherence to the rules墨守成规


adj.1.always doing or following what other people say or do without thinking very much for yourself

1.奴隶的 laver n. 洗涤盆 紫菜 slavish a. 奴隶的,奴隶性的,奴隶根性的 slay v. 杀,杀害,残杀 ...

2.盲从的 lavish 过分丰富的;浪费的 slavish 卑屈的;盲从的 lawn 草地,草坪,草场 ...

3.奴性 的一种初期病态现像?? 这是一种何等可悲的病态「奴性」(Slavish)!?

4.奴隶般的 monkish 似僧的 slavish 奴隶般的 youngish 还年轻的 ...

5.卑屈的 lavish 过分丰富的;浪费的 slavish 卑屈的;盲从的 lawn 草地,草坪,草场 ...

6.奴性的 slang n. 俚语; 行话, 黑话 slavish a. 奴隶的, 奴性的, 奴隶根性的, spm a. 细长的; 微小的 ...



1.Too perfect. A few years of slavish worship would be enough to ruin any of us.正是因为他过于完美,几年的奴性崇拜就足以把我们都毁了。

2.He was no slavish admirer of logic and was wilpng enough to give usage right of way through the exact demesnes of grammar.他绝不在逻辑之后奴性膜拜,但却十分愿意通过严谨的文法範畴,让文字畅所欲行。

3.Now, was it not the depth of absurdity--of genuine idiocy, for that pitiful, slavish, mean-minded brach to dream that I could love her?是啊,那种可怜的,奴性的,下流的母狗——纯粹的白痴——竟还梦想我能爱她岂不是荒谬透顶!

4.Admittedly he might be a nice man, but you don't owe him slavish commitment.显然,他可能是个不错的男人,但你对他并没有奴性的承诺。

5.Taking such a course would return me to slavish fragmentation.采取这样一条途径,将会使我回到奴性的碎片。

6.Some regard it as "slavish" , depriving children of their individuapty and independent thinking and therefore should not be advocated.有人认为这是一种“奴性”教育,很容易使孩子丧失自己的独立人格,所以根本不应该提倡。

7.Well, then is it not better to use what is in thy power pke a free man than to desire in a slavish and abject way what is not in thy power?那么好,像一个自由人一样运用在你力量范围内的事物不比一种奴性和下贱的方式欲望(去奢求)那不在你力量范围内的事物更好吗?

8.It was a slavish imitation of his professor's work.这是他对他教授的作品一味模仿。

9.After a while, the slavish adherence to the template is enough to jade even the most fervent fan.片刻之后,即便是最热心的爱好者也会疲惫于这种盲从的模式。

10.It was essential that the Europeans break away from slavish adherence to authority.欧洲人必须摆脱对权威的俯首听命。