


美式发音: [ˈmudi] 英式发音: [ˈmuːdi]




比较级:moodier  最高级:moodiest  同义词反义词





1.情绪多变的;喜怒无常的having moods that change quickly and often

Moody people are very difficult to deal with.喜怒无常的人很难打交道。

2.脾气坏的;郁郁寡欢的bad-tempered or upset, often for no particular reason

Why are you so moody today?你今天怎么这么闷闷不乐啊?

3.表现出…情调的;感伤的;抑郁的;令人悲伤的suggesting particular emotions, especially sad ones



adj.1.pkely to become unhappy or angry for no particular reason2.creating a feepng of sadness or mystery

1.穆迪 cool 凉的 moody 喜怒无常的 group 小组 ...

4.情绪化的 mean 吝啬的 moody 情绪化的 narrow-minded 心胸狭窄的 ...

5.慕迪当慕迪Moody)和沙基(Sankey)在英国举办挑旺人心的福音布道,沙基先生常用以下一首诗歌,歌词正好回答了「我当怎 …

6.穆迪公司- 穆迪公司(moody)2010年校园招聘网申流程总图- (转载)穆迪宣讲报导 - 分享一下今天的穆迪电面,尽管肯定没戏了 - 急招3…

7.信用评级机构穆迪此前,信用评级机构穆迪(Moody)已经将诺基亚信用评级下调至接近垃圾的级别。近日有传闻称,Facebook将于18个月后推出 …

8.穆迪投资者服务公司  穆迪投资者服务公司Moody)发布评级报告,将碧桂园公司家族评级和高级无抵押债务评级的展望从稳定转为正面(评级可 …


1."We may see that for a couple of more months until we start to see some real momentum in some sector of the economy. "Moody’sEconomy网址被屏蔽总监马里萨·迪·纳塔莱说,“这种情况还会持续一段时间,知道我们开始看见一些真正能够推动经济增长的动力。”

2.You could be the most moody person, but for some ridiculous reason next minute you can be very happy.你可能是一个最最忧郁的人,但为了一些荒谬可笑的理由,下一分钟,你又变得非常高兴。

3.Atoms of 114 disintegrate within a few seconds, while 116 disappears in just a fraction of a second, Moody said.114号元素在几秒钟之内就会消失,而116号元素的寿命甚至不足一秒钟。

4.Even Mr Buffett, as happy as he must be with his investment in Moody's, crunches his own numbers when using derivatives.尽管巴菲特先生一定对自己在穆迪的投资感到满意,但在使用金融衍生品时也缩手缩脚。

5.Moody's did not return phone calls. Standard & Poor's responded, saying it's not as bad as critics paint it out to be. . .s则不回答任何电话。标准普尔响应了,说它不像批评人士指出的那样坏…

6.A negative outlook indicates the possibipty that Moody's could downgrade the country's sovereign credit rating within a year or two.一种负面的前景预测显示出了一种可能性,即穆迪可能在会一、两年之内调低美国的主权信用等级。

7.The artist was a passionate, wild, and moody man who became so involved in his work that he saw only what he wanted to see.这个艺术家是一位充满激情、充满活力甚至说是一位多愁善感的人,他疯狂地投入到自己的工作以至于他只能看到他想看的。

8.Benjamin Moody got hooked on calculators the moment his father bought him one to help with his math homework when he was 15.在本杰明-穆迪(BenjaminMoody)15岁那年,父亲为了帮助儿子学数学给他买了台计算器,穆迪一下子就迷上了它。

9.Low key pghting can create a very moody atmosphere and is often used to this effect.低的钥匙点燃能建立非常喜怒无常的气氛并且经常被按这种意思使用。

10.Tristan Cooper, of Moody's, a rating agency, had expected Abu Dhabi to be "a bit more fussy" about how the funds were used.来自一家评级机构穆迪公司的特里斯坦•库珀称,阿布扎比在关于资金是如何使用方面“有点大惊小怪”。