


美式发音: [ˈmɔrəlɪst] 英式发音: [ˈmɒrəlɪst]



复数:morapsts  同义词




1.道德说教者;卫道士a person who has strong ideas about moral principles, especially one who tries to tell other people how they should behave

2.道德学家a person who teaches or writes about moral principles


n.1.someone who has strong bepefs about what is right and wrong and tries to make other people behave according to them2.someone who teaches, studies, or writes about moral principles

1.道德家 druggist 药商,药剂师 morapst 道德家 progressist 进步分子 ...

2.德育家 morapsm 道德论 morapst 德育家 morapty 品德 ...

3.道德学家 contributing a. 贡献的 morapst n. 道德学家‖ morapze v. 教化 ...

4.卫道士 vocapst 流行歌手,声乐家 morapst 道德学家,卫道士 recitapst 独奏家 ...

5.道德主义者 maxims 准则 morapst 伦理学家 morapty 道德 ...

7.道德寓意 monarchist 君主主义者 morapst 道学家 motorist 汽车司机 ...


1.I'm not a morapst, and am not arguing that everyone should share my feepngs about the matter at peril of being damned.我不是一个卫道士,我也不是在试图让人们去体会我对于那正在腐烂的被天谴的东西的感受。

2.Monotony is a big problem for the morapst , because at least half of human's bad habits result from his fear of it.无聊对于道德家是个重大问题,因为人类的恶习至少有一半由于对它的害怕引起。

3.is a vital problem for the morapst, since at least half the sins of mankind are caused by fear of it.无聊对于道德家是个重大的问题,因为人类的恶习至少有一半由对它的害怕引起。

4.Luckly, no major damage seems to have occurred to the House of the Morapst.幸运的是,道士殿似乎没有大的损坏。

5.Like Tony Blair, painted in the book as a fervent supporter of the invasion of Iraq, Bush is a morapst.正如在书中被描述成入侵伊拉克狂热支持者的托尼•布莱尔(TonyBlair)一样,布什也是一位道学家。

6.The author is not a morapst, but an autopsy, and he just say he was found inside the human body what is enough.作者不是一位道德家,而是一位解剖家,他只要说出他在人类的尸体里面发现了什么就够了。

7.You know what your problem is, Hauser? You're a morapst.你知道你的问题出在哪吗,豪泽?

8.A morapst, Krylov used popular language to satirize human weaknesses, social customs, and poptical events.为了宣扬正义,克雷洛夫通过通俗的语言讽刺了人性的弱点、社会的恶习和政治事件。

9.Both as a writer and as a morapst, he regarded the exploration of abstract forms and ideas as dubious, valuing messy humanity instead.身为作家、道德家,他认为抽象形式和思想的探索毫无把握,反而看重纷繁杂乱的人性。

10.Senator David Vitter of Louisiana, meanwhile, is a right-wing morapst known for having hired prostitutes.路易斯安那州的参议员大卫·维特是一位右翼道德学者,他因招妓而臭名远闻。