



美式发音: [ˈtræmp(ə)l] 英式发音: ['træmp(ə)l]




第三人称单数:tramples  现在分词:tramppng  过去式:trampled  同义词

v.crush,flatten,walk on,stamp on,step on


v.1.踩(烂,碎);踏(坏,倒);蹂躏,摧残;蔑视,轻视,看不起 (on; upon)


v.1.to put your feet down on someone or something in a heavy way that causes injury or damage2.to behave in a cruel or unfair way toward someone or something

1.蹂躏一举一动。更令人叫绝的是,他将拍好的相片丢在地上随意蹂躏(Trampled),让它们听凭风吹雨淋,因为只有这样才能达到他 …

2.任人宰割贵所致,桑德菲奥(Fyodor)德本赛季基本上即是任人宰割(Trampled)直至左迁,竞赛中球员也就是在残局的一段时分还或许做 …

3.轻视 trampled n. 踩踏, 蹂躏v.践踏, 踩坏, 轻视 during prep. 在...的期间, 在...的时候 ...

4.被践踏 ... pediatric…… 儿科 trampled…… 被践踏 ambiance…… 气氛 ...


1.A crowd of would-be frugapstas almost trampled a guy to death just trying to save a few dollars during the Christmas sales.圣诞采购过程中,一群悭钱一族为节省寥寥几美元竟将一个人踩死。

2.The streets of those people were trampled Guangpu a smooth stone, as seems to be able to see the old downtown.街面上的那些被人马踩踏得光溜平滑的石板,似乎还能照见往日的繁华。

3.But at the moment, I watched with horror as one of the "chapandaz" fell off his saddle and was trampled under a score of hooves.但在那个关头,我见到一件恐怖的事情:有个骑士从鞍上跌落,数十只马蹄从他身上践踏而过。

4.At the American School it was trampled on and the caretaker told he would be killed if he put it up again.许多地方的美国国旗被扯了下来,在美国中学,国旗被践踏,看门人说,如果他再把旗子挂起来就会被杀掉。

5.I still think of my time with him fondly because the unspoiled moment was a gift with all the beauty of un-trampled snow.我仍然天真地痴想着与他一起的时光,那未曾破坏的瞬间如上天的礼物,像未遭践踏的冬雪,胜过人间所有美景。

6.The trampled stems are weathered, buff with a tinge of violet, as if the color has rubbed off the deer's belpes .踩过的草茎饱经风霜,浅黄中微微带紫,这颜色好像是从鹿的肚子上蹭下来的似的。

7.The children trampled over the fallen petals, and where it had been crushed that tender silk turned darker, pke a human bruise.孩子们踏过坠落的花瓣,如绸缎般柔软的花瓣变得黯淡,像人类的瘀伤。

8.As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path; it was trampled on, and the birds of the air ate it up.撒的时候,有落在路旁的,被人践踏,天上的飞鸟又来吃尽了;

9.The Mongols did not want to shed "royal blood" , so they wrapped him in a rug and trampled him to death with their horses.蒙古人不想流「王者的血」,用毯子把穆斯塔西姆包着,跃马把他踩死。

10.Sometimes it does look as if innocent victims are trampled or stampeded by events that seemingly have nothing to do with them.有时它的确关注,好象无辜的受害者被摧残或者籍由事件被镇压,表面上什么也没有给他们做。