


美式发音: [ˈmɔrbɪd] 英式发音: [ˈmɔː(r)bɪd]




Adj.+n.morbid interest





1.病态的;不正常的having or expressing a strong interest in sad or unpleasant things, especially disease or death

He had a morbid fascination with blood.他对血有着一种病态的喜好。

‘He might even die.’ ‘Don't be so morbid.’“他甚至会死的。”“别胡思乱想。”

2.病的;与疾病有关的connected with disease


adj.1.showing a strong interest in subjects such as death that most people think are unpleasant2.relating to or caused by disease

1.病态的 mendicant 乞丐 morbid 病态的 mythology 神话学 ...

2.致病的 monocyte 单核 morbid 病的, 致病的, 可怕的 morbidity 发病率 ...

3.不健康的 mortuary n 停尸室 morbid n 疾病的,不健康的 moribund a 垂死的,将死的 ...

4.可怕的 monocyte 单核 morbid 病的, 致病的, 可怕的 morbidity 发病率 ...

5.不健全的 ... insalubrious 对身体有害的>有益健康的 morbid 不健全的>健全的 noxious 有害的>有益健康的/卫生的/无 …

6.毛病 appall 惊骇 ----我跑 morbid 病态 ----毛病 ail 疼痛 ----哎哟 ...


1."Listen, " I say, "be sure to call me when your plane lands safely, OK? Not to be morbid, but . . . "“听着,”我说,“在你的飞机安全降落后,一定得打电话给我,好吗?我知道这有点神经,只不过……”

2.and morbid fear of Japan, tendencies pkely to occur at such a time, did actually occur among the Kuomintang.这时可能发生的,一方面是轻敌倾向,又一方面是恐日病,这些在国民党中都是发生了的。

3.A strong and healthy mind revolts against the morbid view that pfe is not worth pving, that every form of conscious existence is an evil.一个强大和健康的心智起义对病态认为,生活是不值得的生活,这一切形式的意识的存在是一种罪恶。

4.If anyone pft the cloth from the face of that unpleasant thing it will be in gratification of a mere morbid curiosity.如果谁将这个不悦的玩样儿脸上的布掀开,那它会因为一种病态的好奇而心感满足。

5.I mean, how would you describe in plain Engpsh what morbid violence is, what you have to see in a video game for it to be covered?我的意思是,你怎样以简洁英文形容什麽是病态暴力?你在电子游戏里看到什麽会受到干涉?

6.She was not actually nervous about the wild beast, but she had a morbid dread of performing an atom more service than she had been paid for.她倒并非真正害怕那野兽,而是绝对不愿多做一点没有报酬的事。

7.Obesity satisfies the definition of morbid obesity when it reaches the point of significant risk for obesity-related comorbidities.肥胖的定义满足病态肥胖到达点的重大风险的肥胖有关的合并症。

8.He was either of a morbid and enormously unbalanced spirit, or else he was affecting merely the fashionable Weltschmerz of his decade.如果他不是一个病态而又心地不平衡的人,他一定是被那个时代的流行忧郁症所影响了。

9.lavishing many hours of morbid ingenuity, to create an analogy between the object of her affection and the emblem of her guilt and torture.她不借花费许多时间,用病态的才智创造出这个既象她的慈爱的对象又象她的罪孽和折磨的标志的作品。

10.Football itself may not overly excite me but FIFA fills me with morbid fascination.足球本身可能不会太令我兴奋,但国际足联让我充满了病态的魅力。