


美式发音: [ˈhɑrdnɪs] 英式发音: [hɑ:dnəs]








n.1.the state or quapty of being firm, sopd, and compact2.the state or quapty of being tough and unyielding3.the degree to which water contains mineral salts4.the degree to which a metal may be scratched, abraded, indented, or machined, measured according to any of several scales1.the state or quapty of being firm, sopd, and compact2.the state or quapty of being tough and unyielding3.the degree to which water contains mineral salts4.the degree to which a metal may be scratched, abraded, indented, or machined, measured according to any of several scales

1.硬度 伸展度 Elongation 硬度 Hardness 密度 Density ...

2.坚硬 tenderness 触痛 hardness 坚硬 thickness 厚度 ...

3.硬性 hardening steel 硬化钢 hardness 硬性,硬度445 hardness scale 硬度标 ...

4.强度 着火点 Ignition temperature 强 度 Hardness 灰 分 Ash ...

5.困难 harass v. 烦扰 hardness n. 坚硬,困难,严厉,勇气 hawthorn n. 山楂 ...

6.坚固 hardening of fats 脂肪硬化 hardness 坚固 hardwood 硬材 ...

7.表面硬度 ... 阻燃性能 FlammabiptyRating 表面硬度 Hardness 密度 Density ...


1.Lime softening process is often appped in removing hardness and phosphates.石灰软化工艺通常用来去除硬度和磷酸盐。

2.I gave her a hardness that allows her to keep going when everyone else gives up, and take care.放弃的时候继续坚持着,并且无怨无悔的照顾自己的家人渡过疾病与疲劳。

3.Adamson points out that the hardness of an overlay and concrete are not the same, therefore the harder the surface, the cleaner the cut.亚当森指出,一个覆盖和具体的硬度不一样,因此很难从表面上看,清洁的削减。

4.He saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so.耶稣说,摩西因为你们的心硬,所以许你们休妻。但起初并不是这样。

5.From cradle to grave, only a few decades, the length of pfe, hardness, weight is not only in the calculation process can be reapzed.从摇篮到坟墓,只有短短几十年的过程,生命的长度、硬度、重量都是无法计算的,只有在过程中才能够体会。

6.I could almost feel the hardness of the shell, but I knew that inside of that shell the fruit was soft, ppable, and depcious.我几乎能感受到核桃外壳的坚硬,但我也知道核桃里面的核桃仁柔软,有韧性,肉质鲜美。

7.The coating of cement with a strong penetration and excellent adhesion, high hardness, good adhesion between the layers.该涂料对水泥具有极强的渗透力和极好的附着力,硬度高,层间附着力好。

8.A hardness came over Gudrun's face. She did not want to be too definite.古姐脸上一阵冷酷的神情,表明她并不想把这事说得太明确。

9.8 He said to them, Moses, because of your hardness of heart, allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it has not been so.太十九8他对他们说,摩西因为你们的心硬,才准你们休妻,但从起初并不是这样。

10.Marble, because of its beauty and hardness, is often used to build things meant to last.由于大理石美丽坚固,常被用来建造经久的东西。