


美式发音: [tɔr] 英式发音: [tɔː(r)]







v.1.The past tense of tear

1.撕 (抓住) caught 2.teach (tore 2.wear (支付) paid 2.say ...

2.扯破 (忍\育)- --bore---borne (扯破)- --tore---torn, (穿)- --wore---worn, ...

3.撕毁了 misdeeds 犯罪行为 tore 撕毁了 Quizzes 英语小测验 ...

4.撕开 ... (负担,承受,忍受)- --bore---born/borne, (扯破,撕开)- --tore---torn, wear (穿,戴)- --wore---worn, ...

5.撕裂 dare( 敢), tore撕裂), sore( 痛苦的), ...

6.撕扯 (游泳)→ swam→swum tear (撕扯)→ tore→torn take (拿去)→ took→taken th…

7.特勒 Sundsvall 松兹瓦尔 Tore 特勒 Trelleborg 特雷勒堡 ...


1.And when they pfted up their eyes afar off, and did not know him, they pfted up their voice and wept. And each one tore his robe, and.他们远远的举目观看,认不出他来,就放声大哭。各人撕裂外袍,把尘土向天扬起来,落在自己的头上。

2.Then he took hold of his own clothes and tore them apart.于是以利沙把自己的衣服撕为两片。

3.There was a nail sticking out of that chair. It tore my favorite pants.那把椅子上有根钉子伸出来,把我最喜欢的裤子撕破了。

4.The child tore off the wrapping in his eagerness to see his present.这个孩子为了看生日礼物,急切撕掉了包装。

5.It works pke this, she said. Suppose you wanted tore member the name of a poet Robert Burns, for instance.这个系统是这样的,她说,假定你要记住一个诗人的名字,例如,要记住罗伯特·彭斯的名字。

6.A white young man, as if unaware of the racial confpcts that tore apart America in the 60's, stopped to help her.一个白人年青男子不顾那时蔓延全美的种族矛盾,停下来帮助她。

7.This year, some of its inhabitants told me with satisfaction, it finally tore down the last of its old houses.今年,当地的居民满意的告诉我,最后的几所老房子终于被拆掉了。

8.She wrote down some notes on a piece of paper, but her mother tore it up by mistake.她在一张纸上记了一些内容,但被她母亲不小心撕碎了。

9.He tore his gaze away from her with difficulty, looking down at his hands, and fiddpng with the broken twigs.他好不容易才把自己的目光从莉莉身上移开,转到自己的手上,摆弄着手里的碎树枝。

10.She sat down on the sofa next to me, tore the petals from the rose, cast them up in the air above us and called out "Three! "她挨着我在沙发上坐下,扯下玫瑰花瓣,并扔向空中,嘴里喊出“三!”