




1.莫里亚蒂拍摄情节(未必会剪进正片),据现场传来的消息,饰演莫利亚提教授Moriarty)的杰瑞德·哈里斯,来到了巴黎德拉别墅酒 …

6.莫瑞提乐团美女艾琳艾德勒(Irene Adler),他和宿敌莫瑞亚提Moriarty)的斗法也到了生死关头,令观众看得喘不过气。

8.默里亚蒂  寻找默里亚蒂Moriarty):( H( O+ t+ ~) G# @# v/ Q( _  进入游乐园(扮演福尔摩斯):自动切换为福尔摩斯。


1.The organiser of the pig hunt, Jo Moriarty, said the decision to can the event was poptical correctness gone mad.猎猪活动的组织者JoMoriarty说,为了追求政治正确性而禁止这项活动实在是过头了。

2.Before the taxi driver died, he said a name. A name of someone or something that had helped him. Moriarty.在那个出租车司机死之前,他说了一个名字,帮了他的人或者什么东西的名字:莫里亚提。

3.If I can get rid of Moriarty this scourge to society, then I would rather end my career as a detective.如果我能为社会除掉莫里亚蒂这个祸害,那么,我情愿结束我的侦探生涯。

4.Since the recent death of Professor Moriarty, the London has become a very boring city.自从莫里亚蒂教授新近死了以后,伦敦变成了一座极度乏味的城市。

5.And I saw in my IM window that Mike Moriarty was at the base.然后我在我的IM窗口中发现MikeMoriarty在基地。

6.Professor Moriarty could be described as the dirty dog of the Sherlock Holmes stories.莫里亚蒂教授可以被说成是福尔莫斯故事中的行为卑鄙龌龊的人。

7.that I created Moriarty for my own purposes.我纯为私心编造了莫里亚蒂。

8.So wanted Moriarty a piece of me and Inari.莫里亚蒂要的是装置的那一块

9.'We are extremely pleased with the results, ' Mr. Moriarty said.莫里亚蒂说,我们对这个结果极其满意。

10.People pke Moriarty who are saying so have forgotten world history.象Moriarty说那种话的人已经忘记了世界历史。