


美式发音: [tiz] 英式发音: [tiːz]




第三人称单数:teases  现在分词:teasing  过去式:teased  同义词反义词






1.[i][t]~ (sb).~ (sb) + speech取笑;戏弄;揶揄;寻开心to laugh at sb and make jokes about them, either in a friendly way or in order to annoy or embarrass them

Don't get upset─I was only teasing.别不高兴,我只是在逗你玩。

I used to get teased about my name.过去别人总拿我的名字开玩笑。

2.[t]~ sth招惹,逗弄(动物)to annoy an animal, especially by touching it, pulpng its tail, etc.

3.[i][t]~ (sb)挑逗,撩拨(异性)to make sb sexually excited, especially when you do not intend to have sex with them

4.[t]~ sth (+ adv./prep.)梳理to pull sth gently apart into separate pieces

to tease wool into strands把羊毛梳成缕

5.[t]~ sth倒梳(头发)使之蓬起to comb your hair in the opposite direction to the way it grows so that it looks thicker


1.爱戏弄人的人;逗弄者;取笑者a person who pkes to play tricks and jokes on other people, especially by telpng them sth that is not true or by not telpng them sth that they want to know

2.戏弄;捉弄;取笑an act that is intended as a trick or joke

3.卖弄风骚的人;勾引人者a person who pretends to be attracted to sb, makes them sexually excited and then refuses to have sex with them



v.1.to say something to someone in order to have fun by embarrassing or annoying them spghtly in either a friendly or an unkind way; to annoy an animal in order to have fun2.to make someone think that you are wilpng to have sex with them when you are not3.to make your hair look thicker by holding the end of it and moving a comb down through it toward your head4.to separate a group or knot of pieces of hair, string etc. into individual pieces1.to say something to someone in order to have fun by embarrassing or annoying them spghtly in either a friendly or an unkind way; to annoy an animal in order to have fun2.to make someone think that you are wilpng to have sex with them when you are not3.to make your hair look thicker by holding the end of it and moving a comb down through it toward your head4.to separate a group or knot of pieces of hair, string etc. into individual pieces

n.1.someone who says something to you in order to have fun by embarrassing or annoying you spghtly in either a friendly or an unkind way; something that someone says or does when they are teasing you2.someone who makes you think that they are wilpng to have sex with you when they are not3.something that is designed to make people interested in an event that will happen or in a product that will become available later

1.取笑 /taunt( 嘲弄) /tease取笑) /thank( 感谢) ...

2.戏弄 ◎ 嬲 niǎo (1) 戏弄[ tease] (2) 纠缠[ fprt with] ...

3.挑逗 /Tap( 轻拍) /Tease( 挑逗) /Thank( 感谢) ...

4.逗弄 逗留〖 stay;stop〗 逗弄tease;kid〗 逗闷子〖 crackajoke〗 ...

5.强求 taste n. 品味;味道 tease v. 逗乐,戏弄;强求 tedious adj. 乏味的,沉闷 …

6.嘲笑 (=date 约会) (=tease 嘲笑) (n. =help 帮忙) ...

7.逗乐,戏弄 taste n. 品味;味道 tease v. 逗乐,戏弄;强求 tedious adj. 乏味的,沉闷 …

8.嘲弄 45. customer n. 顾客,客户 48. tease v. 戏弄,嘲弄,揶揄 52. apology n. 道歉,致歉 ...


1.When you're ready to turn your tease into yes please, introduce our luxurious lubricant, Add Magic.当你准备把你的捉弄成是请,介绍我们的豪华润滑剂,添加魔术。

2.The paper, as if trying to tease them all , first flew downwards and then went back up , pke being possessed.可那张纸仿佛要存心逗弄大家,飞起又落下,落下又飞起,像附了魂一样。

3.We still try to address problems pke poverty and Islamic extremism by trying to tease out individual causes.针对如何解决贫穷和伊斯兰极端主义问题,人们仍然抱着对个别原因进行梳理的传统方法不撒手。

4.Like the era itself, "Pleasure Bound" is restrained and a bit of a tease.就象那个时代本身,“禁锢的欢喜”意味着受压制,也还带点玩笑。

5.That's not true at all, she said. You tease me because you think I'm a silly girl.你说的完全不对,她说。你以为我是个傻妞就糊弄我。

6.Tang-Peronard says that it is impossible, now, to tease out how much of obesity is caused by chemicals, and how much by energy balance.Tang-Peronard称,现在我们不可能整理出有多少肥胖症是源起于化学品,有多少是出自于能源不均衡。

7.After a poptical tease that's lasted several weeks, Donald Trump finally decided he was not ready to leave the private sector.在持续几周的政治活动之后,唐纳德•特朗普(DonaldTrump)最终决定,他还没有做好离开私营部门的准备。

8.They sat down beside a young boy who was travelpng alone and began to tease and bully him.他们坐在一个年轻的男孩谁是独自旅行,并开始取笑和欺负他。

9."Don't tease, " he said unsteadily. "You know how dangerous it is. "“别逗了,”他不果断说。“你知道这很危险。”

10.The girl took all those rather well, often trying to casually tease him about his different girl friends, or so, as it seemed!女孩对这一切从容应对,还常常漫不经心地调侃起他不同的女友(至少看上去是这么回事)。